The Limited Times

The United Nations adopts a draft resolution submitted by Russia on combating the glorification of Nazism

12/18/2019, 8:20:00 PM

New York - SANA - The United Nations General Assembly adopted today a draft resolution submitted by Russia calling for combating the glorification of people

New York - SANA

Today, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a draft resolution submitted by Russia calling for the fight against the glorification of Nazism.

Russia Today stated that it voted with the Russian draft resolution 133 countries in exchange for 52 countries abstaining from voting and opposing two countries, the United States and Ukraine.

The text of the resolution is entitled “Combating the glorification of neo-Nazi and neo-Nazi and other practices that fuel the escalation of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related hatreds”.

The resolution recommends that states take concrete measures “including in the legislative and educational fields within the framework of their international human rights obligations to prevent a review of the outcome of World War II and the denial of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed during World War II.”

The resolution firmly condemns incidents related to the glorification and promotion of Nazism and urges states to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms by all available means, including legislative means, if necessary.