The Limited Times

[Frozen Spark] Police Allege 70 Million Starfire Alliance Involved in Money Laundering Response: Condemn Discrimination

12/19/2019, 4:26:01 PM

The Spark Alliance, which provides support and fundraising platform for the arrested in social movements such as anti-revision legislation, was frozen by the police for 70 million funds and four people were arrested for money laundering. Spark Alliance responded on Facebook that lawyers are following up on the incident, and that the police have distorted the operation of the platform for malicious purposes such as money laundering, which is a smear.


Written by: Lu Jiayu

2019-12-19 21:13

Last updated: 2019-12-19 21:13

The Spark Alliance, which provides support and fundraising platform for the arrested in social movements such as anti-revision legislation, was frozen by the police for 70 million funds and four people were arrested for money laundering. Spark Alliance responded on Facebook that lawyers are following up on the incident, and that the police have distorted the operation of the platform for malicious purposes such as money laundering, which is a smear.

The police pointed out that the investigation learned that the Spark Alliance had raised 80 million in the past six months. Most of the funds raised went to a shell company, which was mainly used to purchase personal investment insurance products. The beneficiary was the head of the shell company and personal income. The situation is unusual and is not commensurate with the finances of the shell company and the beneficiaries.

Spark Alliance: Distorting platform operations into money laundering

At 8 pm, the Spark Alliance issued a post on Facebook stating that because the case has entered legal proceedings, the Spark Alliance is inconvenient to release more information, alleging that all cases of arrested persons have been followed up by lawyers. The Spark Alliance also said that the police attempted to distort the operation of the platform into malicious uses such as money laundering by misrepresentation, intending to discredit the Spark Alliance and other support channels, and condemned the smear. The Spark Alliance also expressed gratitude for the care and support of all parties.

Senior Superintendent Chen Weiji, acting member of the Wealth Investigation Unit of the Police Narcotics Bureau, said that the investigation had learned that most of the funds raised by the Spark Alliance had flowed into a shell company. (Photo by Huang Diwen)

Money Laundering Spark Alliance Demonstration

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