The Limited Times

CityU research collects blood to detect cancer with accuracy of 90%

12/19/2019, 4:17:06 AM

Cancer is the number one killer in Hong Kong, and the number of new cases has been increasing year by year. The Cancer Data Statistics Centre of the Hospital Authority previously released 2017 cancer data. The number of new cases was as high as 33,075, a record high of at least 9 years. The current common method for detecting cancer is to use imaging or surgery to extract the patient's tumor tissue for laboratory tests. However, the Biomedical Research Team of the City University of Hong Kong announced today (19th) that a new detection technology has been developed and confirmed by clinical tests. With 4 ml of blood drawn, cancer cells can be sorted out within five minutes, and the accuracy rate is as high as 90%. Even the earliest (stage 1) cancer detection rate is higher than the industry, which is about 75%.

Social News

Written by: Deng Yinglin

2019-12-19 12:08

Last updated: 2019-12-19 12:08

Cancer is the number one killer in Hong Kong, and the number of new cases has been increasing year by year. The Cancer Data Statistics Centre of the Hospital Authority previously released 2017 cancer data. The number of new cases was as high as 33,075, a record high of at least 9 years.

The current common method for detecting cancer is to use imaging or surgery to extract the patient's tumor tissue for laboratory tests. However, the Biomedical Research Team of the City University of Hong Kong announced today (19th) that a new detection technology has been developed and confirmed by clinical tests. With 4 ml of blood drawn, cancer cells can be sorted out within five minutes, and the accuracy rate is as high as 90%. Even the earliest (stage 1) cancer detection rate is higher than the industry, which is about 75%.

Yu Weijian, senior associate researcher at CityU's Department of Biomedicine, pointed out that the new technology developed by the team can isolate blood cells and screen cancer cells in five minutes to detect early cancers. (Photo by Deng Yinglin)

Research team members include Zou Heng and Yu Weijian, senior associate researchers in the Department of Biomedical Sciences of CityU. They pointed out that the breakthrough cancer early screening and disease monitoring technology developed by the team can detect cancer 3 to 6 months earlier than imaging examination, and even tumors as small as 0.1 mm can be detected, which is the fastest technology in the world with the same principle.

In addition to being diagnosed with cancer in a short period of time, the test can also monitor the efficacy of the drug in the course of treatment, test whether the patient is resistant to the drug, and analyze early if there is a need to change the drug or change the cancer treatment plan. The relevant technology is licensed to the start-up company "Jingzhun Biopharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd." established by the team in 2017. The product has been certified by the State Food and Drug Administration (NMPA) of China and is expected to receive the EU in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVDD) next month. CE certification.

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City University Cancer