The Limited Times

Fallouh: Terrorism and the economic blockade imposed on the Syrian people hinder prospects for resolving the crisis and hinder the elimination of terrorism

12/19/2019, 5:47:01 PM

New York-Sana, Acting Chargé d'Affairs to the permanent delegation of Syria to the United Nations, Dr. Loay Fallouh, confirmed that

New York-SANA

The Acting Chargé d'Affaires affirmed the permanent delegation of Syria to the United Nations, Dr. Luay Falouh, that terrorism and the economic blockade imposed on the Syrian people from countries that continue to interfere in Syrian affairs impede prospects for resolving the crisis and hinder the elimination of terrorism once and for all.

Fallouh said during a session of the Security Council that some members of the Security Council are condemned by the methodology of enmity towards Syria and its partners in the war on terrorism, and their only concern is the fabrication of fabricated accusations against Syria and the denial of its efforts.

Fallouh added that Syria rejects the draft resolution presented by the so-called "humanitarian pen campaign" altogether and in detail, because it is completely far from the humanitarian goals supposed in it, pointing out that the main principle rooted in humanitarian action is respect for national sovereignty, which is confirmed by Security Council resolutions on Syria.
Fallouh clarified that the contents of the draft resolution reveal the real motives for its introduction, particularly the escalation of hostility and shipping within the Security Council against Syria and targeting its primary role and position.
