The Limited Times

Impeachment proceedings against Trump: Republican top senator McConnell warns of impeachment

12/19/2019, 6:05:07 PM

The US House of Representatives has officially accused President Trump of abuse of power. However, the Senate will make a decision on impeachment. And that's where the argument really starts.

Before the impeachment process against President Donald Trump, the conflict between Republicans and Democrats escalated in the US Senate, which judges impeachment.

Republican majority leader Mitch McConnell urged his colleagues not to remove Trump from office.

McConnell criticized the charges against Trump passed on the previous evening by a majority of the Democrats in the House of Representatives. In return, the democratic minority leader Chuck Schumer accused him of planning the "most unfair impeachment process in modern history" in the United States.

Trump is the third president in U.S. history to face a Senate impeachment trial that resembles a lawsuit. It is based on two charges, which the House of Representatives passed with the majority of Democrats after nearly three months of investigation. They accuse the President of abuse of power and interference with the House investigation into the Ukraine affair.

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In a speech in the Senate, McConnell called the House’s impeachment investigation against Trump the “least thorough and unfair” in modern history. If the Senate approves the charges, impeachment proceedings could become part of everyday political life. In the Senate proceedings, there could only be one result that did justice to the fact that the charges were not in accordance with the constitution.

Schumer criticized that McConnell had no intention of pursuing a fair trial, acting impartially and getting the facts. Schumer reiterated the demand that high-ranking Trump employees should be heard in the Senate who had something to say about the charges. He wants to see Trump's chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, his adviser Robert Blair and former National Security Advisor John Bolton testify. McConnell again refused.

More on the subject:

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It is still unclear when exactly the procedure in the Senate will begin. At least 20 Republican senators would ultimately have to side with the Democrats to achieve the two-thirds majority necessary for Trump's impeachment. That is not in sight.