The Limited Times

No longer a random collection of politicians

12/19/2019, 5:44:01 AM

Michal Aharoni

In the third round of voting, many more people will shut their nose and vote for blue and white, in spite of everything. In the first round, there were many who were not particularly impressed with Gantz, either not really enthusiastic about Torch or did not understand the connection with Handel and Hauser, or thought that the video of a Palestinian death toll was offensive. Or all together. In the next round for the better, all these people have become accustomed. For them, blue and white is no longer a random collection of unrelated people, but an institutionalized party for everything, with a worldview and principles, deeply rooted in Israeli consciousness.

This is the great story of Blue and White in general and my son Gantz in particular: eight months in politics, and they seem to have been there ever since. Two election campaigns in which there is no slush that has not been spilled and no political situation he has not met, and suddenly it feels like Gantz has years of political seniority. He and they were assimilated with thought and discourse. It is no longer an atmosphere party, but an integral part of the landscape.

It would never have happened if Blue and Gantz had gone through a normal course of opposition or coalition. It would have taken them years to produce an image of a party with roots and history. They were most likely to emerge in fissures, which were screeching from the start, and very quickly those who would begin to visit the head or reflect on what they deserved more. The elections silenced those votes, and eventually led to Torch giving up the rotation. They led the party to complete silence, and Gantz to be the undisputed leader of the ship that sailed to her for rest.

And that is power. Great power. Especially when facing a leader who is both accused of criminal and also has to fight for his place inside the house. Gantz is not threatened by anyone with a white paintbrush, he has full freedom of action and backing. Netanyahu is the one who has to create a Google Alert with the name "Gideon Sa'ar" and be notified every day that someone else has decided to support his opponent. And so it turned out that every election round Netanyahu thought would weaken Gantz - only strengthened him. From a gray man, perceived as lacking in political skills, he slowly became an equal opponent. He predicted he would lose - and he didn't. They claimed he would retire - and he was still there. Expect white blue to fall apart - and it is ever more united. Expect the ego and personal interests to win the quartet, and here the quartet has, at least for now, defeated the ego.

Gantz is the middleweight boxer who faced the world heavyweight champion. Everyone was sure that he would fall in the first round, but here we were by the third round, and not only was he on his feet - but he was much more stable than his opponent.

For further opinions of Michal Aharoni

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