The Limited Times

Police dog smoking tears accused of abusing police to buy goggles

12/19/2019, 11:29:07 PM

In anti-revision conflicts, "zero-equipment" police dogs often came to the front line. The animal protection community was concerned that their presence in tears would affect their health. In August, a rally was held to condemn the police action for harming police dogs. Improved. During the 721 three-month demonstration, the police fired several tear gas bombs in Yuen Long. The police dog was suspected of being stimulated and walked around in a panic. It is understood that the police have purchased a number of dog protective equipment, including goggles. Police said the equipment arrangements are operational details and will not be made public.


Written by: Yang Wanting

2019-12-20 00:14

Last updated: 2019-12-20 00:14

In anti-revision conflicts, "zero-equipment" police dogs often came to the front line. The animal protection community was concerned that their presence in tears would affect their health. In August, a rally was held to condemn the police action for harming police dogs. Improved. During the 721 three-month demonstration, the police fired several tear gas bombs in Yuen Long. The police dog was suspected of being stimulated and walked around in a panic. It is understood that the police have purchased a number of dog protective equipment, including goggles. Police said the equipment arrangements are operational details and will not be made public.

Without any protective equipment, the police dog went to the scene of the conflict where teardrops were issued. The incident was criticized by humans. The animal protection industry also wrote to the police many times, saying that they attached great importance to the incident and made suggestions from the perspective of animal welfare. At the Legislative Council meeting on November 14, the Secretary for Security, Li Jiachao, pointed out that no dog handlers had received any reports of discomfort after the police dogs were on duty in recent months. He also mentioned that foreign police dogs had the same equipment as Hong Kong.

Police dogs appearing at the scene of the conflict are not equipped. (Profile picture)

Some veterinarians have said that tear gas can quickly cause discomfort to animals, and severely burned eyes, mouth, throat, respiratory tract, and skin of affected animals can occur within 30 to 60 seconds. Animals also experience coughing, difficulty breathing, retching, and tearing.

It is understood that the police have purchased a batch of protective equipment for police dogs, including goggles, earmuffs and special shoes.

Police: Details of the operation of the equipment will not be made public

A police spokesman said that the police would dispatch police dogs in different operations to cooperate with the front line in a timely and strategic manner in accordance with the needs of the operation and the actual environment at the scene to maintain public order and public order. In addition, with regard to the equipment of police dogs, the police will purchase appropriate equipment from time to time in response to actual operational needs. As the equipment arrangements are operational details, the police will not disclose them.

Police dog demonstration demonstration