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"I got into a power struggle": Orly Ben-Ari Ginsberg and renounces the role of State Attorney | Israel Today

12/20/2019, 6:53:02 PM


Justice Minister Amir Ohana today announced to the Judiciary that the appointment of the jurist is valid, Ben Ari announced that she is removing her candidacy • Ben Ari: "Demon Dance is in the Judicial System, Confident in My Ability and Skills"

  • Orly Ben-Ari Ginsberg // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Lawyer Orly Ben-Ari Ginsberg announced on Friday, to Justice Minister Amir Ohana about the removal of her position as Acting Attorney General, on the grounds that her appointment had become a "devil dance".

According to reports in various media outlets, Ben Ari told her associates that she was in a power struggle and was unwilling to damage the State Attorney's Office.

In an official statement on behalf of Ben Ari Ginsberg, he said: "After about three decades of professional and dedicated work in the Prosecutor's Office, which I believe so much, I believe in a" devil dance "in the judicial system, of which I am obliged to be part. The State Attorney and I are confident in my ability and skills to play this role successfully. "

In the Labor Party, Gesher responded to Attorney Orly Ben Ari's announcement that she would not head the State Attorney's Office: "Attorney Orly Ben Ari acted wisely and decisively in assuming a Deputy Attorney General's Office, and did not cooperate with Amir Ohana's attempt to transform the post State Attorney for the election campaign tool.

"Freeze order is irrelevant"

Justice Minister and Knesset Member Amir Ohana on Wednesday sent a letter to Attorney General Dr. Avihai Mandelblit in which he argued that an order

The freeze given by Supreme Court Judge Mezuz - is irrelevant.

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The battle over Ben Ari's appointment has caused serious controversy between the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General. The letter sent by Minister Ohana to the Supreme Court read: "The appointment of Acting State Attorney, Attorney Orly Ben Ari Ginsberg, came into effect with my signature on the appointment on Tuesday this week. Today, a day after the effective date of the appointment, the provisional order was issued. Stating that he "delays the Respondent's appointment as Chief of Staff of the State" and delays her entry into office until another decision is made. "

Photo by Shmuel Buchris

Minister Ohana clarified in his letter that "the petition held that" the date of taking up the position of respondent's deputy was set for Wednesday at 11 am. " Relevant and the appointment is an act. "

The Minister of Justice signed his letter stating that "an appointment that had already been made" could not be "delayed" or "paused" an act that had already been made, adding that he was awaiting the counsel's opinion on this matter. "As you recall, it was agreed to be represented in this case by an attorney on my behalf, for locating it I am toiling during these hours."

In a letter sent to the court by the court in response to a statement by the justice minister, he claims to oppose the minister's appointment for a number of reasons. In his letter, Mandelblit wrote: "First, in the opinion of the court, the order may be necessary to prevent the proper functioning of the State Attorney's Office. "Ben-Ari extends far beyond the range of reasonableness. Third, the respondent (Ben Ari) did not begin to function materially. Fourth, the provisional order that could be sought to "freeze" an existing situation ... has not yet begun to fulfill the role materially. "

The court signed his explanations in his letter that there is no room for the appointment of Attorney Ben Ari to the State Attorney General. "The Attorney General's position is that there is no reason to establish any grounds for changing the order."

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