The Limited Times

[Tai Po fired] P80, AR-15 rifle mass bullet police: Believe that police officers were injured during the rally

12/20/2019, 9:32:07 PM

Five months before the Spark Alliance case and the 7.21 incident, demonstrations broke out in multiple districts yesterday (20th). Among them, the policeman O remembered that during the operation of Tsui Ping Garden in Tai Po, an 18-year-old suspect who had possession of a gun last year fired a real gun. Fortunately, he was arrested on the spot. Police said that the suspects violated the bail conditions and the police proceeded based on intelligence. After the incident, P80 and AP-15 rifles and 255 bullets were seized, which is believed to be related to the anti-revision movement. However, how to determine the suspect's use of firearms before and after the anti-revision legislation, the police refer to intelligence-led, and the case has entered judicial proceedings a year ago.


Written by: Deng Haixing

2019-12-21 01:53

Last updated: 2019-12-21 05:26

Five months before the Spark Alliance case and the 7.21 incident, demonstrations broke out in multiple districts yesterday (20th). Among them, the policeman O remembered that during the operation of Tsui Ping Garden in Tai Po, an 18-year-old suspect who had possession of a gun last year fired a real gun. Fortunately, he was arrested on the spot. Police said that the suspects violated the bail conditions and the police proceeded based on intelligence. After the incident, P80 and AP-15 rifles and 255 bullets were seized, which is believed to be related to the anti-revision movement. However, how to determine the suspect's use of firearms before and after the anti-revision legislation, the police refer to intelligence-led, and the case has entered judicial proceedings a year ago.

● Suspect develops one shot with semi-automatic pistol

At about 2 am today (21st), Senior Crime Superintendent Li Guihua of Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Division (O Record), together with Superintendent Yang Yaozong and Chief Inspector Liu Yunda, explained the case to the media. Li Guihua pointed out that at about 9:21 last night, the police led the intelligence to find the target youth at the place of the crime. During the investigation, the youth showed a semi-automatic pistol from his waist and developed a shot. Fortunately, he did not hit any. He was subdued on the spot.

● Full performance of 255 rounds of P80 and AR-15 rifles

The police later held a search warrant and returned the suspect to a unit in Cuiping Garden for search. AR-15 long-range rifles and 211 rounds were seized, of which 61 were in a ring-shaped fast-acting bomber. In addition, P80 semi-automatic rifles and 44 round bullets. Li Guihua pointed out that after preliminary appraisal by ordnance experts, all the relevant firearms were available and in good performance; and in conjunction with police intelligence, it was believed that the relevant firearms were used in recent assemblies, including attempts to hurt police officers.

Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Division (O Record) Senior Superintendent Li Guihua (middle), Joint Superintendent Yang Yaozong (left) and Chief Inspector Liu Yunda (right) explained the incident. (Photo by Yu Ruijing)

● Arrested on New Year's Eve last year and released at the end of February this year

Li continued that the arrested young man was arrested on December 31, 2018 by O as "illegal possession of firearms", and later returned to the Correctional Services Department, and was released on bail on February 28 this year, to 8 this month The Japanese breached the bail conditions, and the police launched an operation yesterday based on intelligence. Asked how the police did not have an anti-amendment campaign a year ago, how the police determined that the use of firearms was related to it. Li Guihua pointed out that the police intelligence led, and the case a year ago has entered judicial proceedings, so it is inconvenient to comment, but no news was received Related to robbery.

● Tracking down how the firearms flowed into Hong Kong

Regarding the large number of real guns seized in the case, Li Guihua said that Hong Kong is currently unable to buy guns and the suspects do not have relevant licenses. They are investigating how the batch of firearms flowed into Hong Kong and will also know whether the suspects "split" or "dismantled" the guns. Li Guihua also criticized that after the incident, onlookers clamored and obstructed the police. It was very dangerous. For their own safety, they called on the public to leave as soon as possible if they encountered similar incidents.

[12.20. Tai Po] Operation O encounters youth with real shots, PTU "street sweep" warhead in the early morning

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