The Limited Times

Chinese and US leaders call Xi Jinping over phone: serious concerns over US negative words and deeds related to Taiwan and Hong Kong

12/20/2019, 6:05:07 PM

The leaders of China and the United States held a call on December 20. According to the contents of the call announced by the Chinese side, China hopes that the United States will stop taking negative words and deeds on issues related to Taiwan and Hong Kong, so as not to interfere with the relationship and agenda of the two countries.

Instant international

Written by: Gao Jiangjin

2019-12-21 01:53

Last updated: 2019-12-21 01:59

After the Chinese and U.S. leaders talked on the phone on December 20 and discussed trade agreements and other issues, according to the content of the call announced by the Chinese side, Chinese President Xi Jinping told the US President Donald Trump that China was seriously concerned that the United States was involved in Negative words and deeds on issues such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet, and said that these practices interfere with China's internal affairs.

Comprehensive media reported on December 21 that just after US President Donald Trump said on social media Twitter that “after a very good call with Chinese President Xi Jinping”, China CCTV later announced the call content of the two .

Trump (left) and Xi Jinping call again on December 20 (Reuters)

Xi Jinping: The two countries reached an agreement on the basis of equality and mutual respect

The report quoted Trump as saying that the first phase of the US-China economic and trade agreement is a good thing for the United States, China, and the entire world. The US and Chinese markets and the world have responded very positively to this. Communicate closely and strive to sign and implement as soon as possible.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China and the United States have reached the first stage of economic and trade agreements on the basis of equality and mutual respect. In the context of the extremely complicated international environment, the conclusion of such an agreement is beneficial to China, to the United States, and to the whole World peace and prosperity, although there will be some differences between the two sides in cooperation, as long as we always grasp the mainstream of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation between China and the United States, and respect the dignity, sovereignty, and core interests of the other country, we can overcome the difficulties in the process of progress.

Xi Jinping: U.S.'s negative words and deeds related to Taiwan and Hong Kong harm Chinese interests

Xi Jinping also emphasized that China expresses serious concern over the U.S.'s negative words and deeds related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet in recent years. These practices have interfered with China's internal affairs, harmed China's interests, and are not conducive to mutual trust and cooperation between the two sides. He hoped that the United States would earnestly implement the important consensus reached through their many meetings and calls to prevent interference between the relations and important agendas of the two countries.

The two exchanged views on the situation in North Korea

In addition, the leaders of the two countries also exchanged views on the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Xi Jinping said that in order to adhere to the general direction of political settlement, all parties must go against each other and maintain the momentum of dialogue relaxation. This is in the common interest of all parties.

Finally, the leaders of the two countries expressed their willingness to continue to maintain contacts in the future in order to facilitate the smooth development of Sino-US relations.

US President Trump also stated in a previous Twitter tweet that the two sides are currently preparing for the signing of the agreement and that China has started buying agricultural products and other commodities on a large scale from the United States.

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However, he did not point out the specific procurement figures. For the US Trade Representative (Robert Lighthizer), "China will buy US $ 200 billion worth of goods and services in the next two years" and "China will purchase US $ 40 billion to US 50 billion US dollars in agricultural products. "As of now, China has not confirmed it.

In addition, it is worth noting that Trump told the media on August 2 that something is likely to happen in Hong Kong because the riots there have been going on for a long time. He is not clear about China's attitude and some people say that when things develop At a certain level, the Chinese side will stop it, but this is a matter between Hong Kong and China (the Mainland), because Hong Kong is a part of China and the Chinese side does not need advice.

Sino-US trade war Sino-U.S. Relations Trump Xi Jinping

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