The Limited Times

Fallouh: The summit of hypocrisy is that some in the Security Council talk about a humanitarian crisis in Syria and it is practicing the right of its people to siege, aggression and occupation

12/20/2019, 8:08:02 PM

New York-Sana, Acting Chargé d'Affairs to the permanent delegation of Syria to the United Nations confirmed Minister Counselor Dictu

New York-SANA

The Acting Chargé d'Affaires affirmed to the permanent delegation of Syria to the United Nations, Minister Counselor Dr. Loay Fallouh that the summit of political and moral hypocrisy is for some to come to the Security Council to talk about a humanitarian crisis in Syria while exercising the right of its people to siege, aggression and occupation, stressing that ending the humanitarian repercussions imposed by terrorism requires lifting The restrictions imposed on Syria and assistance in the process of serious reconstruction and recovery include all economic, industrial, agricultural, investment and service sectors.

Fallouh expressed during a session of the Security Council today after Russia and China used the veto against a draft resolution submitted by Germany, Belgium and Kuwait on the transfer of humanitarian aid to Syria that would exploit the situation there and violate its sovereignty. Syria thanked the countries that thwarted the draft resolution submitted from the so-called “human pen campaign” "In order to preserve the principles of international law and the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, foremost of which is respect for the sovereignty of states and observance of the rules of humanitarian action, and at the same time regretting the representatives of some members of the Council and with them" the humanitarian pen campaign "to continue in an unconstructive and unbalanced behavior" It was reversed by the draft resolution that was voted on to renew the effects of Resolution 2165 on the introduction of cross-border aid, as it removed its contents from stated humanitarian goals.

Fallouh affirmed Syria’s rejection of the draft resolution altogether and in detail due to its fundamental defects, which were clarified in a letter sent by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Dr. Faisal al-Miqdad to the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations for Humanitarian Affairs, Marc Lukoc, on the fifteenth of this month and in another message sent by the permanent Syrian delegation yesterday The first is to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the Security Council in response to the sixty-fourth report on the humanitarian issue in Syria, indicating that the center of humanitarian action in Syria is the capital, Damascus, and this is a key principle in respecting national sovereignty. A new category that violates national sovereignty.

Fallouh pointed out that Syria takes on what is called the “human pen campaign” their unbalanced approach represented in preparing and presenting such projects based on campaigns to promote the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “OCHA” to launch it before each time the effects of Resolution 2165 are renewed as it manipulates Its representatives with figures and data ignore the flaws and negatives of these operations that, to this day, have caused most of this aid to fall into the hands of terrorist groups and their lack of access to those who deserve them, especially in the Idlib governorate that is controlled by the terrorist organization Al-Nusra Front, whose continuation derives from the support of the regime. Turkish aggressor to him and his control over the humanitarian aid entering through Turkish territory.

Fallouh stressed that the behavior of the "human pen campaign" has become unprecedented from reality, as they have acquiesced to the desire and pressure of the Turkish regime when they sought in the first draft of the draft resolution to add a new crossing under the pretext of introducing aid, but in reality it serves the goals of the aggression launched by the Turkish regime on Syrian territory, indicating that the aggressive terrorist Turkish regime has facilitated the entry of foreign terrorists into Syria and continues to support the terrorist organization Al-Nusra Front in Idlib, which wants the United Nations today to pay the bill for its aggressive actions in Syria.

Fallouh was surprised at the position of some countries that claim their eagerness to help the Syrian people at a time when they are blind to the theft of the American occupation forces by stealing Syrian oil and gas wells, stressing the necessity for those who want to help the Syrian people to have integrity and courage and to demand that the Syrian people be allowed to restore their capabilities that the terrorists and what are called " International Alliance "to loot and destroy.

Fallouh reaffirmed the necessity of the immediate lifting of unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people and the invitation of Syria to member states that pledged and committed to respect international law and the maintenance of international peace and security to distance the human file from any politicized and unbalanced behavior and to support its role as the primary and true partner in the humanitarian and development fields It also called on member states to reject the political conditions and dictates set by some countries with the aim of impeding reconstruction, recovery and return of the displaced.

Fallouh explained that ending the humanitarian repercussions that terrorism imposed on Syria and supporting the ongoing political process require a different approach that goes beyond providing

Humanitarian aid includes lifting restrictions imposed on Syria and assisting in a serious process of reconstruction and recovery that includes the economic, industrial, agricultural, investment and service sectors, stressing that the summit of political and moral hypocrisy is that some come to the Security Council to talk about a humanitarian crisis in Syria while exercising the right of its people to policies of punishment, siege, aggression and occupation.