The Limited Times

Metro C: ok Cipe, up to Piazza Venezia

12/20/2019, 2:11:18 PM

The CIPE has approved the modification of the perimeter of the T3 section of the C line of the Rome metro "to bring the line tunnels of the section close to the body of the future Venezia station". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 20 - The CIPE has approved the modification of the T3 section of the Rome C metro line "to bring the line tunnels of the section close to the body of the future Venice station". The Committee also allocated 40 million to the Naples Metro for the CentroDirzionale-Capodichino line. Meanwhile, this morning there was an inspection of the commissioning committee Mobility presided by Enrico Stefano (M5s) in piazza Venice to "see the construction sites that are beginning" due to the subway of underground C. The risk of moles between the Fori Imperiali being avoided, Stefano explains that today Cipe's last go-ahead has arrived in this regard. In piazzaVenezia "core samples are being made to verify the type of soil and to better define the final design of the metro station," he explains. The project for Piazza Venezia should include the "connection of the C line with the future metroD". Equipped with metro and tram the square according to Stefano will be able to become pedestrian.