The Limited Times

Patriarch Yazigi: We pray for the return of peace and stability to Syria

12/20/2019, 2:11:07 PM

Beirut-SANA, Patriarch of Antioch and the rest of the East, Greek Orthodox John X Yazici expressed his hope for the return of Soula


The Patriarch of Antioch and the entire East of the Greek Orthodox, John X, Yazigi, expressed his hope for the return of peace and stability to Syria, Lebanon and the entire region.

Patriarch Yazigi said in the Christmas message today: We pray for the peace of Syria and for the stability of Lebanon and for the sake of a wounded Palestine whose cause remains with all the occupied lands scar of falsehood in the forehead of the truth that does not exceed the time, authority, conspiracy or recognition.

Patriarch Yazigi added that peace of thought and soul is the first building block that embraces the homelands, pointing out that in much of what is going on around us, we need what we need to be the peace of the soul as the first building block for the peace of the homeland as he called for reconciliation with the self and with the other a first building block to achieve the peace of society and the resurrection of the nation.

Patriarch Yazji pointed out that the prayer today is also for the return of all the kidnapped, especially Paul Yazji, Bishop of the Archdiocese of Aleppo to the Greek Orthodox and John Ibrahim Bishop of Aleppo to the Syriac Orthodox kidnapped by the terrorist organizations for nearly seven years in light of a complete global blackout on their issue, which is a small part of what Our people from every spectrum and religion are subjected to and exposed to human dignity in the global interests market.

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