The Limited Times

Two women were injured in gunfire at a shopping mall in the north Israel today

12/20/2019, 11:44:07 PM

In the country

Unknowns opened fire at Big Shopping Center in Yarqa • The shooting shattered windows at the scene causing multiple injuries • Police are investigating the circumstances of the incident

  • The shooting scene in Yarqa // Photo: Police spokeswoman

A number of people were injured in a shooting incident at a mall in Yarka, north, after unknowns opened fire at the Big Shopping Center and fled the scene. Police are investigating the circumstances of the incident.

While no one was directly injured by the shooting, five people were injured as a result of a window shattered. Two women, 38 and 32, were lightly injured and evacuated for medical treatment.

Police said: "The police launched an investigation, in which forensic investigators are gathering findings at the scene to investigate the background and circumstances, along with scans for the perpetrators of the escape."

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The police did not give an assessment of the nature of the incident and whether it was a criminal or other incident. The shopping center in the locality will be popular with all residents of the north and especially busy on weekends.