The Limited Times

Egyptian military analyst: Washington is trying to hinder the Syrian army's victories over terrorist organizations

12/21/2019, 10:59:02 PM

CAIRO - SANA, Egyptian Military Analyst, Major General Hamdi Gabr, affirmed that the Emiri coercive economic measures coincided


Egyptian military analyst Major General Hamdi Gabr affirmed that the coincidence of the American coercive economic measures against the Syrian people through the so-called “Caesar’s Law” with the targeting of Syrian oil installations exposes the reality of the American plan aimed at trying to hinder the progress of the Syrian Arab army and its victories against terrorism, especially in the Idlib governorate.

Gabr said in a statement to a SANA correspondent in Cairo that Washington is disturbed by the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army over the terrorist organizations that implement the American plans, expressing his confidence that these hostile American measures will not affect the army's will to achieve the final victory and liberate the Syrian land from terrorist organizations and their supporters.

Jabr called for adopting a decisive Arab position to confront these American policies that serve the Zionist entity and its conspiracies.