The Limited Times

Iraqi forces destroy nine dens of ISIS terrorists in Anbar

12/21/2019, 4:17:02 PM

Baghdad-Sana Today, Iraqi forces destroyed nine dens of ISIS operatives


Today, Iraqi forces destroyed nine dens of ISIS terrorist operatives in Anbar Governorate, in western Iraq.

And the site "Alsumaria News" quoted an Iraqi security source as saying: "The security forces from the Al-Jazeera Operations Command and the seventh division are backed by a force from the tribal crowd and with the support of the army aircraft, they managed to destroy nine dens of ISIS terrorist elements in the security campaign taking place in the Wadi Houran area west Anbar. ”

The Iraqi forces destroyed the nests and tunnels of the terrorist organization "ISIS" yesterday near Lake Hamrin, and destroyed the terrorists.

On the other hand, an Iraqi civilian was seriously injured today as a result of unidentified gunmen opening their silencer weapons towards him in Al-Amin area, east of the capital, Baghdad.

An Iraqi civilian was killed yesterday in an attack by unidentified gunmen north of Baghdad.

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