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Tensions in the Jewish House: Yogev attacks Chairman Peretz in light of agreement with Jewish power - Walla! News

12/21/2019, 6:08:02 PM

Number 2 in the Jewish House claimed that his party chairman did not address attempts to promote a party-to-national union as well as internal elections, despite the fact that Yogev was authorized to promote merger between ...

Tensions in the Jewish House: Yogev attacked Chairman Peretz in light of the agreement with Jewish power

Number 2 in the Jewish House claimed that his party chairman did not refer to attempts to promote a party-to-national unification and internal elections, despite the fact that Yogev was authorized to promote merger between the parties. Peretz signed an agreement with Jewish power, and Yogev claimed he did not update him on the move.

Tensions in the Jewish House: Yogev attacked Chairman Peretz in light of the agreement with Jewish power

Edit: Joy Fellow

MK Motti Yogev, number two in the Jewish House, attacked his party's chairman, Minister of Education Rafi Peretz, on Saturday, saying that the Peretz bureau did not address attempts to promote a plot between the Jewish home and the national union as well as internal elections, despite the fact that Peretz imposed Yogev will promote merger between the parties. At the same time, the party chairman signed an agreement with Jewish power, and Yogev claims he did not update him on the move.

"At a meeting about a week and a half ago, Rabbi Druckman's house, Yogev was authorized by Peretz to promote an outline for the merger of Jewish Home and National Union parties. Of unity and promoting internal elections in religious Zionism, "Yogev wrote in his message, emphasizing:" On the agreement with power, he was informed by telephone with the signature, just moments before the media update. "

The agreement that led Peretz with Jewish power was signed in the face of tensions between him and National Union Minister Bezalel Smutrich after the latter tried to promote open primaries to a large religious list in opposition, as opposed to Peretz's position. The Jewish Home Minister saw this as an attempt to oust him from office, and he acted to lead the union. With Jewish power. A similar tension exists between Peretz and Yogev, the latter claiming that Peretz asked him to advance an agreement with Smutrich's party, but when he came up with the proposal, Peretz and his people completely ignored it and backed the agreement with Ben Gvir. Some members of the Center in the Jewish House are outraged at Peretz, and may face significant difficulty in approving the agreement at the center.

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