The Limited Times

The steps to neutralize the International Court of Justice in The Hague

12/22/2019, 10:05:09 PM

Carolyn Glick

In an attempt to justify the involvement of the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General in policy and security decisions, former Knesset Member Tzipi Livni hosted senior officials of the Justice Department's international legal and military office in the Knesset. They claimed, as a rule, that "the judicial system is the IDF's legal dome against war crimes allegations in foreign and international forums."

With Pato's recent decision in Basuda, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, we saw that this line, invented by Judge Aharon Barak in the 1990s, was nothing but a lie. He came to justify the intervention of the High Court judges, the Justice Ministry and the army lawyers - with the powers of IDF commanders and elected officials.

The end of the lie - which came with a message in its essence - is a huge strategic damage to the state and damaging to the peril of the lives of IDF soldiers, their commanders and elected officials.

As Professor Avi Bell has made clear over the pages of this newspaper, it is a failure of the strategy that Israel has adopted - guided by the wrong and deceptive jurists - to deal with the political campaign against it in the international arena. Now, to begin to repair the tremendous damage done to us by those court-robed counselors, Bell unequivocally states that Israel must abolish this strategy and replace it politically.

Political strategy has five components:

The first element is the transfer of responsibility for the campaign to the relevant parties - the prime minister and the foreign minister. Benjamin Netanyahu must instruct all legal entities today - from the Mandelblit office, through the International Department of the Ministry of Justice, the Attorney General's Office and the International Court of Justice's Office - to cease all their treatment of the issue. International law thing and a half.

The second component is legislative. Unlike Israel, the Americans, who are the ICC's secondary target, understood its hostile nature from the beginning. Consequently, in 2002, Congress passed the "U.S. Department of Defense Act."

The law, dubbed "The Hague Invasion Law," calls for "protecting U.S. military personnel, elected officials, and superiors from the U.S. government from criminal prosecution at the International Criminal Court, of which the United States is not a member."

The law authorizes the president to use "all necessary and appropriate measures to bring about the release of any U.S. or U.S. allied servant (ie, Israel) arrested or detained by or for or as a request by international law for crimes."

The law also prohibits any US governmental body from assisting the ICC in any form. The law also prohibits member states of the tribunal from receiving military aid from the United States.

The Knesset must act already in order to pass the same law. The truth is that this is a scandal, the product of the State Attorney's Office, which so far has not enacted any such law.

The third component of the ICC threat strategy is political. Recognizing that ICC investigations are a threat to the security of the United States and its troops, Americans have signed bilateral agreements with dozens of states, in which the parties pledged not to cooperate with each other against the ICC. Israel must act as well.

The Foreign Ministry should approach any country that receives assistance from Israel, including the African countries, and seek to sign such a mutual defense agreement with them, and even to condone the continuation of this assistance with this signature.

The fourth element is explanatory. From now until the closure of the ICC, all Israeli representatives in the world should receive unequivocal instructions to attack it at every opportunity and in any way - the goal is to destroy its right to exist. Probably, ICC must not accept every foothold in Israel.

Entry into Israel should also be prohibited from parties even indirectly related to the ICC. Any such factor found in Israeli-controlled territories should be immediately expelled.

The last element is in Israeli policy in Judea and Samaria. According to the report, Mandelblit and his friends used the ICC test as a means to prevent the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmer and prevent the application of Israeli law to the Jordan Valley and settlement in Judea and Samaria.

If this consideration was before Netanyahu's eyes, then he should order the evacuation of Khan Al-Ahmer immediately and not wait even a day to pass a government decision that applies Israeli law in these areas.

The claim that the judicial system protects Israel from claims is correct only in relation to foreign legal entities. The ICC's anti-Semitic decision to incriminate Zionism and the State of Israel demonstrates that Bensuda's body is not a legal body, but a political and very hostile one.

The political echelon made a grave mistake as he listened to the wrong and deceptive, power-hungry jurists.

Now that all is clear, the treatment of the International Court of Justice in The Hague in the Netherlands must be removed once and for all and the political enemies of the State of Israel must be fought with the political tools relevant to the present reality.

For more views of Carolyn Glick

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