The Limited Times

Atlantia closes -4.8% on the stock exchange

12/23/2019, 5:11:21 PM

Atlantia closes heavily on the stock exchange with the share yielding 4.8% to 21 euros, burning 883 million euros of capitalization compared to yesterday's capitalization of 18.224 billion. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, DECEMBER 23 - Atlantia closes heavily in Borsacon the stock which yields 4.8% to 21 euros, burning 883 million euros of capitalization compared to the daily capitalization of 18.224 billion. From the beginning of the session, the title appeared to be in difficulty after the changes made to the decretomilleproroghe which made it easier to withdraw the concessions. In line with the list (-0.4%), the other motorway concessionaires with Astm and Autostrade Meridionali (-0.3%).

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