The Limited Times

Attack of investigating magistrate of the court of Cosenza

12/23/2019, 6:47:09 PM

Judge Giuseppe Greco, on duty at the Gip-Gup office of the Court of Cosenza, was attacked yesterday evening in the basement of the garage of his home. Two people armed with sticks and with a distorted face attacked him. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - COSENZA, DECEMBER 23 - Judge Giuseppe Greco, serving the Gip-Gup office of the Court of Cosenza, was attacked yesterday evening in the basement of the garage of his home. Two people armed with sticks and with a distorted face attacked him. Greco reported mild. The investigations are conducted by the mobile team. Strict privacy on the episode.
The Anm subsection of Cosenza, after learning of the aggression, "intends to express all its bewilderment and disdain for the serious incident that occurred, evidently representative of a subculture of violence that deserves to be publicly censored and prosecuted".