The Limited Times

Croatia: 5/1 presidential ballot

12/23/2019, 4:29:20 PM

The runoff for the presidential elections in Croatia, scheduled for January 5, will see the challenge between the former Social Democratic Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic, and the outgoing president, the conservative Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic. (HANDLE)

(ANSAmed) - ZAGREB, DECEMBER 23 - The runoff for the presidential elections in Croatia, scheduled for January 5, will see the challenge between the former Social Democratic Prime Minister ZoranMilanovic, and the outgoing president, the conservative KolindaGrabar Kitarovic. This is shown by the official and final results released by the Electoral Commission.
Milanovic, candidate of the united center-left, obtained 29.55 percent of the vote, against 26.65 percent of Kitarovic, who enjoys the support of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) of Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. In third place the grand defeat is the well-known singer Miroslav Skoro, exponent of the nationalist and sovereignist right, for whom 24.45 percent of Croats voted.
Despite the disappointing result in the first round, Kitarovicva in the ballot as a favorite since it will be much easier for her to attract the voters who preferred the candidate of the right yesterday.