The Limited Times

Raphael, monographic exhibition never seen before in Rome

12/23/2019, 3:17:03 PM

A maxi-exhibition dedicated to Raphael in Rome from March 5 at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome: this will culminate the celebrations for the artist worldwide. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 23 - A maxi-exhibition dedicated to Raffaello in Rome from March 5 at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome: this will culminate the celebrations for the artist at world level. There will be over one hundred works by the Renaissance superstar on the 500th anniversary of his death, which took place in Rome on April 6, 1520 at the age of just 37, never brought together all before.
A large monographic exhibition, with over two hundred translated masterpieces, drawings and comparison works. The exhibition, simply titled Raphael, represents the punctual event of the program approved by the National Committee specially established by Minister Dario Franceschini and chaired by Antonio Paolucci. (HANDLE).

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