The Limited Times

Rouhani stresses that Washington's pressure on Iran is doomed to failure

12/23/2019, 3:20:03 PM

Tehran-Sana, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani affirmed that the policy of US pressure against Iran is misfortune


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stressed that the policy of pressure pursued by the United States against Iran is doomed to failure, indicating that Washington will stop these pressures "sooner or later."

Rouhani said, during his meeting with the Indian Foreign Minister, Sabramaniam Jaishankar in Tehran today: "There is no escape for America except to lift its maximum pressure on Iran." Peoples, stressing the importance of multilateral cooperation between Tehran, New Delhi and other countries.

For his part, the Indian Foreign Minister stressed the need to develop and strengthen relations and cooperation with Iran in various sectors, especially commercial and economic, and said that the current difficult situation will surely end and that Iran and India have close and long-standing relations, and despite all the existing problems, Iran will remain firm, strong and stable.

In the same context, the First Vice President of the Republic of Iran, Yitzhak Jahangiri, stressed that the American ban did not prevent foreign tourists from traveling to Iran, noting the increase in the number of foreign tourists in recent years.

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