The Limited Times

Firefighter killed in Augsburg: Court releases six suspects

12/23/2019, 2:56:03 PM

In the case of the fatal attack in Augsburg, six suspects are released. There can be no question of "encircling" the victim.

The Juvenile Chamber of the Augsburg Regional Court overturned several arrest warrants in the trial because of the fatal attack on Königsplatz. This means that six out of seven originally arrested are released. The main suspect remains in detention.

The youth chamber made this decision "after an in-depth examination on the basis of previous knowledge and evidence, in particular the viewing of the video recordings". The allegation against the six suspects was based on urgent suspicion of the murder. However, according to the court, the fatal blow to the victim's head is "a spontaneous, immediate action taken by the seventh suspect still in custody".


Augsburg Christmas Market A strange crime

The court said in a press release that there was no resolution on the freed people. The court was not able to determine whether the victim had been "surrounded". Four of the accused were further away from the crime and even turned their backs on it. In two other suspects, there is an urgent suspicion of dangerous bodily harm at the expense of the second, seriously injured victim. However, there is currently no risk of escape or blackout.

Deadly argument

The police had arrested seven suspects after the fatal attack by young men on a passerby in Augsburg. The killed man was on his way home from the Christkindlesmarkt in downtown Augsburg with his wife and a couple of friends when the couple came across the group. The dispute arose for reasons that were not yet clear.

After the blow, the man fell and lay on the ground. The 50-year-old companion was also beaten and injured on the face. The women, however, were not addressed. Emergency doctors tried to resuscitate the man, but he still died in the ambulance.

In the city there was grief and horror after the fatal attack. More than a hundred firefighters commemorated their dead colleague at the scene.