The Limited Times

[Christmas] Police: Occupied Tsim Sha Tsui Road will use minimum force to disperse and arrest demonstrators

12/24/2019, 3:35:44 PM

Some netizens originally planned to hold a "Frost Countdown Parade" in Tsim Sha Tsui on Christmas Eve tonight (24th). However, due to changes in the route and time of the parade, the promoters finally announced the cancellation of the parade. However, since 7 pm, a large number of citizens still gathered around Tsim Sha Tsui. Police once fired tear gas and pepper spray to disperse the crowd. Police said that from about 9 pm onwards, a large number of demonstrators occupied the road at the junction of Nathan Road and Salisbury Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, saying that they would use minimum force to disperse and arrest the protesters in accordance with the situation on the scene. At the same time, the water cannon vehicle and two sharply armed armored vehicles hovered around Nathan Road.

Social News

Written by: Chen Jingqi

2019-12-24 22:40

Last updated: 2019-12-24 23:22

Some netizens originally planned to hold a "Frost Countdown Parade" in Tsim Sha Tsui on Christmas Eve tonight (24th). However, due to changes in the route and time of the parade, the promoters finally announced the cancellation of the parade. However, since 7 pm, a large number of citizens still gathered around Tsim Sha Tsui. Police once fired tear gas and pepper spray to disperse the crowd.

Police said that from about 9 pm onwards, a large number of demonstrators occupied the road at the junction of Nathan Road and Salisbury Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, saying that they would use minimum force to disperse and arrest the protesters in accordance with the situation on the scene. At the same time, the water cannon vehicle and two sharply armed armored vehicles hovered around Nathan Road.

On December 24, the water cannon wandered around Nathan Road. (Photo by Zhang Jiamin)

Police said on Facebook at 10 pm that a large number of "thugs" occupied the road at the junction of Nathan Road and Salisbury Road in Tsim Sha Tsui from 9 pm, set up umbrella arrays and destroyed traffic lights. Some people even dug up the bricks. Heavy traffic jam.

Police also warned them that participating in "unauthorized assembly" is illegal and will use minimum force to disperse and arrest protesters in accordance with the situation on the scene.

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