The Limited Times

Al-Moallem: Syrian relations with Russia are rooted .. Washington is using (ISIS) a peg to continue its occupation of Syrian oil wells

12/24/2019, 5:41:04 PM

MOSCOW-SANA, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Walid al-Muallem confirmed that Syria has relations with Russia


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Walid Muallem affirmed that Syria's relations with the Russian Federation are rooted and long-term, and that mutual visits between officials of the two countries come to deepen coordination and cooperation in various fields.

Al-Moallem said in an interview with Russia Today channel during his visit to Moscow at the head of a Syrian delegation at the 12th meeting of the Syrian-Russian Joint Committee for Trade, Economic and Scientific Cooperation that the meetings of the committee are important and deal with various aspects of cooperation between the two friendly countries and cooperation in the future through projects implemented by Russian companies In Syria, he said: We look forward to bringing our economic relations to the level of our political relationship.

In response to a question about the "Caesar" law that imposes new American coercive measures against the Syrian people, Al-Moallem stressed that this law is part of an American policy that is not practiced on Syria alone, but even on the allies and friends of the United States with evidence of imposing sanctions on companies that work in building the "northern flood" And the southern torrent ”of gas from Russia to Europe

Al-Moallem said that the American sanctions regime that is imposed as a tool in American foreign policy and applied to the international scene needs to be affected by the countries affected by it with each other to break it and are able to do so.

Al-Moallem indicated that the terrorist group ISIS is still standing as an American to justify the continued occupation of Syrian oil wells and said: Indeed, whoever fought “ISIS” is the Syrian army .. And all our people in the Al-Jazirah region know the size of the sacrifices made by our army .. but this candle is used by the American and it is It nourishes and revitalizes ISIS, protects its leaders and moves them from one region to another for use in other regions, as American policy is known to invest in terrorism.

Minister Al-Moallem indicated that the operations of the Syrian army in Idlib are part of a Syrian policy and position determined by President Bashar al-Assad to liberate every inch of the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

In response to a question, Al-Moallem pointed out that the pretexts of the Israeli enemy for launching attacks against Syria are rejected, and he said: As Turkey is doing with the issue of the Kurds and the United States with the issue of "ISIS", they are all false pretenses to market its aggression against Syria.

On the possibility of holding a meeting with a Turkish delegation in Moscow, Minister Al-Moallem said that in light of the presence of a Turkish occupation of Syrian lands, we must always think about the feasibility of the meeting, will it lead to the liberation of lands from the Turkish occupation, or is it a meeting for the sake of the meeting ... if so we are not interested.

Al-Moallem indicated that the Turkish regime did not implement its obligations under the Turkish-Russian agreement on the Syrian island region, and therefore the other option is military in that region, stressing that the dimensions of Turkish politics are dangerous, so the Turks are ethnic cleansing in Syria by replacing the indigenous population with others and that what is taking place on the ground, especially in Afrin, Jarablus countryside and other areas, from demographic change, from introducing Turkish curricula to schools, and changing street names, do not suggest that the assurances of the Turkish regime of Russia or Iran that this is a valid temporary occupation.

Al-Moallem stressed that Syria has not and will not make any concessions to anyone in any matter, including oil. He said: If we wanted to make concessions, the crisis in Syria would not have continued for all these years .. It is inconceivable that we are progressing in the field and achieving achievements and the heroic Syrian people are recording more resilience to We make concessions .. Whoever believes in this is wrong .. Also, the Syrian people have endured throughout this period and went through dangerous crises, perseverance and patience, and therefore I confirm that we will overcome this situation thanks to the steadfastness of the people.

Al-Moallem pointed out that the reconstruction process in Syria started years ago and we hope that its momentum will increase in the near future, stressing that the return of the Syrian refugees to the homeland is welcome and that the Syrian state offers all its capabilities to ensure a decent life for them, but Western countries impede their return as it uses them as a political weapon against the state The Syrian stressing the importance of self-reliance to confront economic crises by encouraging agriculture and industry, which is rich in resources.

In response to a question about the functioning of the Committee to Discuss the Constitution in Geneva, Al-Moallem said that judging the functioning of the committee through every round is wrong and said: This is a natural thing .. You want to come with two parties, there is no trust between them and there are no factors of trust between them and there must be found elements They discuss between them in order to cultivate a land of trust and start working. This thing has not been done yet and it is always wrong to judge the results of each round in its tour .. You must wait and help in building a platform of confidence through which to start the work.