The Limited Times

At least 11 people died poisoned by coconut wine during the Christmas celebration in the Philippines

12/24/2019, 6:38:21 PM

At least 11 people died and hundreds more are being treated for suspected methanol poisoning after drinking locally made coconut wine during Christmas celebrations in…

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(CNN) - At least 11 people died and hundreds more are being treated for suspected methanol poisoning after drinking locally made coconut wine during Christmas celebrations in the Philippines, according to the Philippine state news agency.

Local media reported that 300 people were hospitalized in the provinces of Laguna and Quezon de Luzon, the main island of the country, with signs of intoxication, such as stomach pain, dizziness and vomiting after drinking the generic brand coconut wine.

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A total of 265 people were hospitalized in the city of Rizal, the Health Department said in a press release on Tuesday.

Coconut wine, known locally as lambanog, is a potent palm liquor distilled from coconut sap with an alcohol content of 40% to 45%. It is a popular drink during the holiday season, which is widely celebrated in the Philippines.

The Philippine Food and Drug Administration said that lambanog tested positive for high levels of methanol, a type of alcohol that is toxic to the body, in some cases leading to blindness and death.

“Lambanog poisoning is caused by residual methanol, which at high levels becomes highly toxic to humans. Methanol is a naturally occurring substance during the distillation process, which must be separated and then removed, ”said Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III in the press release.

Fred Rey, the owner of a local distillery that had a permit to operate, turned himself in to police on Monday and could face multiple charges of homicide and physical injury, CNN Philippines reported, citing Rizal's chief of police, Lindley Tibuc.

The sale of lambanog has been temporarily banned in Laguna, and Rizal declared a state of emergency on Monday so the government can offer financial assistance to the victims, CNN Philippines reported.

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That was a small consolation for the families of the victims with the tragedy that took place during the holiday season.

"It hurts, of course, Christmas, we should be together," said Raymunda Urriquia, the wife of Luiz Urriquia, 61, who was among those who died after drinking the lambanog.

The FDA emphasized the importance of proper fermentation and production of coconut wine to prevent poisoning and said it had repeatedly issued warnings to lambanog distillers about the high methanol content of the drink.

Presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo said Monday that the government was "alarmed" by the reported poisoning cases and urged the public not to buy alcohol unless approved by the FDA.

This is not the first time people die from drinking lambanog in the Philippines.

Last December, at least 20 people in the southern regions of Tagalog and central Luzon died after drinking coconut wine, CNN Philippines reported.

According to the FDA, last year's cases involved a different brand of lambanog than the most recent poisonings.


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