The Limited Times

Bishop Krikor: Syria has spread the culture of love and taught the world to live in peace

12/24/2019, 11:53:04 PM

Cairo-SANA, Bishop Krikor Kossa, Bishop of Alexandria for Armenian Catholics, affirmed that Syria is the cradle of the religions


Bishop Krikor Kousa, Bishop of Alexandria for the Armenian Catholics, affirmed that Syria is the cradle of the heavenly religions and human civilizations, and taught the world how to live in peace, from which the culture of love spread.

"Our message is peace for the whole world, especially the beloved Syria, led by President Dr. Bashar al-Assad," Bishop Krikor said in a special statement to the Sana correspondent in Cairo, referring to the steadfastness of Syria that was dispelled by the evils of terrorism and wars ... and wore a new solution for peace and love and rebuilt and secured The future of her children and grandchildren, and that the peace she achieved with that resilience is not her alone, but for the whole world, pointing out that Syria is the cradle of religions, civilizations and a culture of love.

Bishop Krikor added: I congratulate the sons of Syria on the occasion of the holiday and ask them to cooperate and extend the hand of construction to keep Syria firm on the rock of faith and love, stressing that Syria is the one who taught the world how to live in peace and spread the culture of love and coexistence throughout the ages, calling for peace in all parts of the world.

The Mass was attended by Dr. Bassam Darwish, Chargé d'Affaires of the Syrian Embassy in Cairo, Saud Abbas, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Head of the Syrian Arab Mission, Delegates of the Egyptian Presidency, the Ministry of Interior, Governor of Cairo, and a delegate from each of Al-Azhar and Endowments, the Egyptian family home and Chargé d'Affaires of Malta and the Ambassador of Armenia.