The Limited Times

During the year, the per capita MPF earns 23,000 lazy funds. These five funds have the best returns ...

12/24/2019, 3:20:09 AM

Due to a series of factors such as the Sino-U.S. Trade war, Brexit, and the relaxation of interest rate policies of central banks in various countries, the global investment market is more volatile this year. However, for the whole year, many MPF investments in Hong Kong have "cut"

Financial news

Written by: Jingjing He

2019-12-24 11:04

Last updated: 2019-12-24 11:15

Due to a series of factors such as the Sino-US trade war, Brexit, and the relaxation of interest rate policies of central banks in various countries, the global investment market is more volatile this year, but throughout the year, many MPF investments in Hong Kong have "captured". According to the statistics of Junlong, a wealth management consulting company, as of December 17, each MPF contributor made an average of 23,070 yuan in the year.

Because the major global stock markets are generally upward this year, MPF equity funds have recorded better returns. From early 2019 to December 17, they recorded 15.81% returns; mixed asset funds recorded 14.17% returns; compared to fixed income funds, only 2.03% return. Also known as the "lazy fund" default investment (DIS), not only has the number of accounts increased by 25% year-on-year, it has accounted for 20% of the total number of accounts. This year's DIS's core cumulative fund investment returns outperform all traditions. Mixed Assets Fund.

Jun Yu executive director Wang Yulin explained that this year's US-European debt has improved, giving DIS a good return. However, for long-term investment in MPF, investors should first set personal retirement goals and then choose investment portfolios based on risk tolerance.

As of December 17, the highest investment return was BOC-Prudential's "My China Equity Fund." (Jun Long)

In terms of individual fund performance, thanks to the easing of the Sino-U.S. Trade war and improved economic data, mainland China and Asian equity funds recorded good gains, accounting for the top four MPF constituent funds with the highest return on investment in 2019, and US stocks have repeated this year. Record high, Metrohm's "American Equity Fund" ranked fifth.

Chen Ruilong, Managing Director of Junlong Group, believes that the global stock market performance will continue to fluctuate in the future. It is recommended that high-risk investors should pay attention to the downside risks of the economic cycle even if they can withstand higher risks. There is no need to rush to increase high-risk assets, and they can evenly distribute the assets. Global markets to spread risk.


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