The Limited Times

Oliverio to Zingaretti: "I'll take a step back"

12/24/2019, 5:05:04 PM

"Even if I believe I have all the reasons in the world, I don't divide the child in half. Of others there are and will be the responsibilities. History will take care of doing justice of everything, sooner or later. (ANSA)

"Even if I believe I have all the reasons in the world, I don't divide the child in half. Of others there are and will be the responsibilities. History will take care of doing justice of everything, sooner or later. I will take a step back to not allow a patrimony which is my political history is destroyed and torn to pieces ". And 'what he writes, in an open letter to the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, the governor of Calabria Mario Oliverio announcing the withdrawal of his candidacy for president.