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The battle for Likud heads: Minister Arden announces that he will support Netanyahu - Walla! news

12/24/2019, 9:23:04 PM

Two days before the Likud-led primaries, the Minister of Public Security expressed support for the prime minister. "I came to the conclusion that Netanyahu is the right person to lead the Likud and the state," Arden said ...

Battle for Likud leaders: Minister Arden announced that he will support Netanyahu

Two days before the Likud-led primaries, the Minister of Public Security expressed support for the prime minister. "I came to the conclusion that Netanyahu is the right person to lead the Likud and the state," Arden said. Netanyahu spoke to Arden and thanked him for his support. So far, Arden has avoided expressing public support for any of the candidates

Battle for Likud leaders: Minister Arden announced that he will support Netanyahu


Arden, who has so far chosen not to identify with any of the candidates - neither Netanyahu nor Gideon Sa'ar, has posted his video support message on social networks

Interior Minister Gilad Arden on Tuesday expressed support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in running for Likud. Minister Arden, who has so far chosen not to identify with any of the candidates - neither Netanyahu nor Gideon Sa'ar, posted his support video for the social network, stating that "after considering all the considerations, I came to the conclusion that Netanyahu is the right person to lead the Likud and the state ". Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke to Arden and thanked him for supporting the Likud primaries.

Unlike most senior Likud leaders, who are strongly attacking Saar, Arden has made clear that he does not oppose himself, saying he "believes that Saar's struggle is proper and that democracy is on the move. Unlike some voices, I am convinced that it strengthens the Likud." Arden concluded: "My sisters and brothers, our real deal is vigorously, in front of the left, and we must reach it united."

Arden was one of two Likud officials who have so far not expressed a stance on Netanyahu and Sa'ar, together with Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein. Over the past two weeks, Arden has been under heavy pressure from Netanyahu and Netanyahu to publicly join one of the camps.

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Interior Minister Gilad Arden (Photo: Shlomi Gabay)

Minister of Public Security Gilad Arden at the Carmel disaster memorial December 17, 2019 (Photo: Shlomi Gabay)

Arden's public support for Netanyahu leaves Sa'ar without the support of any of the Likud leaders - except Edelstein, all members of the first 10 Likud members except Sa'ar were behind him - while only four MKs joined the Sa'ar camp - Yoav Kish, Sharan Hashel, Michal Shir and Eti Attia Likud Center chairman Haim Katz is considered a supporter of the storm, but has not publicly expressed support for his deal. Neither did Edelstein publicly support any of the candidates, but senior activists affiliated with him assist the Netanyahu camp.

In the past year, Arden and Saer have been discussing future cooperation, but since Saer announced the election to the Likud, Arden has avoided speaking publicly on the issue. In Likud's estimation, he was under heavy pressure from functionaries to express support for Netanyahu, so he ultimately decided to publicly stand behind him. Arden briefed Saar on his decision ahead of time, and also Edelstein, with whom he coordinated last week.

Meanwhile, fearing low voter turnout in the primaries for Likud on Thursday, the Likud announced that voting for primaries would be up for the hour and polls open from 8am to 11pm.

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To the full article

Meanwhile, a faction of the new Likudanik group officially called for voting Gideon Sa'ar in the primaries for Likud on Thursday. "The New Likudniks - the Democratic Group" announced that they recommend voting for Saar.

"Gideon Sa'ar is far from being the perfect candidate for us, evidence is that in the primaries for the Knesset list held earlier this year, we did not support him," they wrote in a Facebook post, saying that there are differences of opinion with Sa'ar, mainly on religion and state. "On the other hand, Sa'ar has expressed his support for LGBT rights and has even come out against the homophobic calls of other Knesset members, he is state-minded, adheres to a unifying and moderate discourse and does not rant and submit."

The group concluded that "Finally, Gideon Sa'ar is the only Likud senior who had the courage to say clearly that, after failing twice in forming a government and leading the Likud and the right bloc to lose seats between the last two elections, Prime Minister Netanyahu's time has come to vacate his throne." Likud and enable the establishment of a government. Saar is the only one, at this time, who can form a government and keep the Likud in power. "