The Limited Times

Traders and doctors in Deir Al-Zour join the Ministry of Endowments initiative to face the high prices

12/24/2019, 4:53:04 PM

Deir Al-Zour-SANA In response to the initiative of the Ministry of Awqaf (religion is morals .. Zakat reduces your prices) joined a number of events

Deir Ezzor-Sana

In response to the initiative of the Ministry of Endowments (debt is ethics .. Zakat reduces your prices), a number of commercial and medical activities in Deir Ezzor joined the initiative in order to confront the high prices caused by unilateral economic measures, the economic blockade, and the easing of financial burdens on citizens.

A number of owners of shops and commercial activities in the markets have affixed the initiative's boards to announce their accession to it, including rates and duration of the discount on goods and services.

A number of citizens noted this initiative, which came at an appropriate time, as it contributes to easing the financial burdens on families and constitutes a state of familiarity, brotherhood and cohesion that characterizes Syrian society.

Hussein al-Muhammad, the owner of the Azalm al-Sham, told a SANA reporter that he had reduced prices to the cost price of a group of commodities, especially the main ones, such as sugar, rice and spices.

Muhammad Al-Jasem, the owner of a children's and women's clothing store, affirmed that the price reduction included all the goods in his shop in varying proportions, and the price of some of them reached less than the cost.

A number of doctors from different specialties joined this campaign by setting aside days for free surveys or a reduction in inspection fees.

Dr. Fawaz Al-Haji, owner of Al-Farabi Optics Store, indicated that he announced discounts on all glasses prices, which amounted to 20 percent. Dr. Abdel Karim Al-Younis, a specialist in orthopedics and joints, confirmed that on Wednesday of each week, he was devoted to free inspections, expressing his hope that all medical and commercial activities will join Economic and to this initiative because it is a step towards enhancing the love and fraternity of the Syrian people, especially in light of the current economic conditions.

The director of the endowment of Deir Al-Zour Mukhtar Al-Ezzi Al-Naqshbandi considered that the initiative comes at a time that the citizen needs to alleviate the burdens of life and it is an occasion to show the spirit of popular cohesion and brotherhood in the Syrian society in the face of high costs, pointing out that the Directorate has invited many business events and doctors to join the initiative.

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