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Who's the rogue here? The roulette of the series. Opinion - Walla! news

12/24/2019, 5:20:04 PM

Who's the rogue here? The roulette of the series. opinion

Not related to escalation? Hamas people in Gaza (Photo: Reuters)

Hamas fighters pray during a military display against Israel in the southern Gaza Strip on November 11, 2019 (Photo: Reuters)

The military commentator, Amir Buhbut, wrote in Walla! NEWS on the dual game of Israel with regard to allowing the continuation of the peace process with Hamas, without restoring soldiers and civilians. In the latest flare-up against Gaza, Operation Black Belt in November 2019, the Israeli government led by Netanyahu told us, through Prime Minister Hive's briefings, cabinet ministers and security officials, that Islamic Jihad is the one responsible for firing hundreds of missiles to and from southern Israel.

Regarding the Hamas organization, which is directly and clearly responsible for everything that is happening in the Gaza Strip, it is alleged that it is not at all related to the matter. Even after a "cease-fire" was closed and Hamas fired two more missiles at the city of Sderot, we were told that it was only for their honor.

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Each round of fighting ends in a "cease-fire". Border violations over the weekend (Photo: Kobi Richter / TPS)

Order violations in the northern Gaza Strip as part of the return marches, December 20, 2019 (Photo: Kobi Richter / TPS, official website)

It's time we asked ourselves and our government some simple questions: Where is the respect and the right to live quietly in the residents of the Israeli envelope? Where are the lives of Sderot children who tremble and cry on the way to the MD every time they hear the red color alert? Where is our deterrent when two large youth movements, within a few weeks, have to fold the equipment and bring their instructors and trainees home from the envelope because the security situation has made them worse? Why should no citizen of Israel be able to enjoy it?

My son, Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, was killed and kidnapped in the "cliff-solid" war when he was sent by the IDF to repel the enemy in Gaza. He launched an operational activity to locate terror tunnels that penetrate Israeli territory and aim to injure the residents of the envelope. Hadar was kidnapped in a humanitarian ceasefire on August 1, 2014 , Five and a half years ago.

The question of how exactly they allow themselves, Prime Minister Netanyahu and cabinet ministers, to end every round of fighting with Gaza during a "ceasefire", and without repeating Hamas' captivity, I have been asking repeatedly for the past two years. But the answer is not only I expect to hear, but all the residents of the envelope.

They are "rogue" because they interfere with "regulation" efforts. Jihad people in Gaza (Photo: Reuters)

Islamic Jihad fighters at a funeral in the Gaza Strip on November 14, 2019 (Photo: Reuters)

I propose to Netanyahu and Cabinet ministers to call and explain to our friends, Paulina and Marcelo Tragerman, who have educated their 4-year-old granddaughter Daniel on "Solid Rock" and for the past two years have been living under "red color" again.

In about two months, we will mark two years before the breaches commence by Hamas on the fence. Almost every day armed terrorists, with knives, grenades or weapons, cross the Gaza fence with the aim of injuring and killing soldiers and civilians. This is the daily situation faced by residents of the fence-bound communities and Gaza Division soldiers.

We should all understand that the Israeli government is returning the same terrorists to their homes, sometimes they are going to trial, serving a number of months in prison during which their status within Hamas is upgrading and usually these terrorists are returning to Gaza without trial and under the radar of us all.

In the Cabinet and the security systems, these terrorists call "rogue" because, unlike Hamas, the good that does not fire Israel's armed terrorists are "rogue" because they interfere with the "regulation" efforts.

Play double game on our boys. "Return marches" at the Gaza Strip (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Return marches at the Gaza Strip border, March 30, 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro, Reuven Castro)

Sgt. Oron Shaul and Deputy Hadar Goldin have been held captive by Hamas for five and a half years. We, the Goldin and Saul families, are waiting for a prisoner exchange agreement to return the boys to us. We long for the State of Israel to meet its word and values ​​and respond to boys sent to fight them. Israel also has Hamas civilians Abra Mengistu and Hisham a-Sayed, in violation of international humanitarian law.

We are told that no terrorists will be released and there will be no "Gilad Shalit 2" deal. So why, almost every day, are the armed terrorists crossing the fence to hit and murder without retrieving the captives in Gaza by Hamas? During the five and a half years that Hadar and Oron have been taken prisoner in Gaza, hundreds of armed terrorists have crossed the fence, returned to Gaza, and how have our soldiers not returned to us?

The word "rogue" is an invention designed to mislead the public

Apparently, the word "rogue" is an Israeli invention designed to help the political echelon and security systems mislead the public and whitewash the security reality in the Gaza Strip, in a manner that does not require comment, and not to demand the return of soldiers from the enemy. And all to continue the process of regulation with Hamas-led Egypt-Qatar and other countries.

So who are the rogue here? Hamas or the government that does not demand the return of soldiers from Gaza at all and make a false representation of "quiet" in order to continue the "regularization"?

Over a year ago (September 2018) after a difficult and unpleasant meeting we had with Prime Minister Netanyahu, he stated that "there will be no series without the sons' return." So how come our boys didn't come home?

Do everything to continue the process of regulation. Tanks and IDF soldiers at the Gaza Strip (Photo: Reuters)

Tanks and IDF soldiers at Gaza border, November 13, 2019 (Photo: Reuters)

Leah Goldin at family press conference (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The process of regulation is progressing, including initiatives such as the establishment of joint industrial zones, high-tech plants, establishment of hospitals, water, electricity and sewerage infrastructure, workers' port, fisheries and aquaculture. Exporting 5 tonnes of strawberries last week from Gaza to the Gulf countries and UK markets is a small example of a process that is already taking place in reality.

The arrangement is traveling and nobody demands the soldiers and civilians in Gaza. Where is Defense Minister Bennett and Chief of Staff Kochavi promoting the series without requiring soldiers to return home?

Some of our creative forces in inventing scribbles - buzzwords, like "rogue" for the series, and actually playing a double game on our sons Citrus and Oron - Israel Defense Forces soldiers in Gaza, and we have Goldin and Saul families captured by our forces that prevent us from building our son's Jewish burial - an act that contradicts the belief In all religions.

In fact, double play games on the residents of the envelope who see death in front of their eyes every day. So what is really the double game that sacrifices us on the altar of the "regulation"? Are these the billions that are pouring into the area for the blood of our children and enveloping citizens? Who would be the one to hurt the roulette roulette?

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