The Limited Times

"Break his nose": A police officer accused of violent violence against a civilian Israel today

12/25/2019, 1:23:04 PM


An indictment was filed against a traffic policeman suspected of beating a motorcyclist in Jerusalem and causing him bodily harm and serious injury • The accused is also suspected of disrupting investigative proceedings

  • Department of Police Investigations in the Ministry of Justice // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The Police Investigations Department has filed a motion against a traffic police officer for the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court for assault causing actual injury and disruption of court proceedings.

According to the indictment, filed by Attorney Adi Wallerman of the State Police Investigation Department, on May 2, 1919 on David Yellin Street in Jerusalem, the accused was driving a police motorcycle and instructing the complainant to stop by the roadside.

Following a hearing between the defendant and the complainant and on suspicion that the defendant arose that the motorcycle identification plate was forged, the defendant decided to arrest the complainant and damage him in his hands. The complainant was led, by police patrol car, accompanied by police to the Israeli Police Division at the "Central Clal" in Jerusalem. While the complainant was waiting at the police station while he was handcuffed, the defendant arrived and instructed to handcuff the complainant with his legs as well.

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At one point, the complainant was asked by another police officer to hand over the cellphone he had but refused and objected to. After the policeman forcibly took the phone from the complainant, the defendant exited his office, went to the complainant, took hold of him, pulled him tight and sat down forcibly. Immediately after, the defendant struck the complainant, without any justification, by punching his nose, head and ear, all while the complainant was handcuffed and in his hands.

At this point, the officer took hold of the defendant and tried to keep him away from the complainant. The complainant stood up and the defendant again held him tightly, pushed him and sat down forcibly. After the incident, the defendant wrote a false report that he had to punch the complainant in order to get out of the complainant's grip, which he said he severely pinched in the chest and hurt him. .