The Limited Times

[Christmas Eve] Causeway Bay parade to Lan Kwai Fong called slogan Police Justice Road detained 105 people the finest 13 years old

12/25/2019, 1:05:04 PM

On Christmas Eve yesterday, citizens from all areas of Hong Kong gathered to shout slogans. More than 100 people in Causeway Bay responded to the call. During their trip to Lan Kwai Fong, they were intercepted by a large number of riot police officers at the Wan Chai Police Headquarters. He was eventually arrested and brought to the police station for investigation. Police said a total of 105 people were arrested yesterday, including 58 men and 47 women, at least 13 years old. They were suspected of participating in an unauthorized rally. One of them was arrested for possession of a laser pen for possession of offensive weapons.


Written by: Kong Fanxu

2019-12-25 20:51

Last updated: 2019-12-25 20:51

On Christmas Eve yesterday, citizens from all areas of Hong Kong gathered to shout slogans. More than 100 people in Causeway Bay responded to the call. During their trip to Lan Kwai Fong, they were intercepted by a large number of riot police officers at the Wan Chai Police Headquarters. He was eventually arrested and brought to the police station for investigation. Police said a total of 105 people were arrested yesterday, including 58 men and 47 women, at least 13 years old. They were suspected of participating in an unauthorized rally. One of them was arrested for possession of a laser pen for possession of offensive weapons.

Police said that from about 10 pm yesterday (24th), a large number of protesters gathered in Causeway Bay without notifying the police as required by law. Demonstrators later responded to online calls for demonstrations on Matheson Street and Hennessy Road towards Lan Kwai Fong in Central, advocating participants to block normal business activities around Lan Kwai Fong and disrupt social peace. During the procession, participants also chanted slogans and occupied sidewalks along the way, causing inconvenience to the public.

23-year-old male Tibetan laser pen arrested for possession of offensive weapon

Police continue to point out that when the marchers were about to enter the Central area and head towards Lan Kwai Fong, the police took action and arrested 58 men and 47 women, aged 13 to 58, on Queen's Road East and Justice Road. Participate in unauthorized build-ups. Police also seized a laser pointer on one of the 23-year-old man. He was also arrested for possession of offensive weapons. The case was referred to the Regional Crime Unit of Hong Kong Island for follow-up.

Laser gun