The Limited Times

[Observatory] Tonight, the lowest temperature is about 17 degrees

12/25/2019, 11:17:05 PM

At 7 am, the Observatory recorded a temperature of 19.2 degrees and a relative humidity of 88%. Today's highest UV index is about 5, with moderate intensity.

the weather

Written by: Liu Dingan

2019-12-26 07:13

Last updated: 2019-12-26 07:13

At 7 am, the Observatory recorded a temperature of 19.2 degrees and a relative humidity of 88%.

Today's highest UV index is about 5, with moderate intensity.

Today's weather forecast for Hong Kong: generally cloudy with low visibility. There is sunshine during the day and the maximum temperature is about 25 degrees. Northerly winds moderated, and the wind calmed down later, with strong winds offshore. It turned cooler at night and the temperature dropped to a minimum of about 17 degrees.

Observatory's outlook: The morning will be cool in the next day or two. The weather will be unstable and rainy early next week.

(Screenshot of the Observatory's website)

(Photo by Liu Dingan)

Weather forecast