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At a conference in Ashkelon with Netanyahu's participation: Rocket launched from Gaza and Yorta - Walla! news

12/25/2019, 9:14:10 PM

Launch detected and intercepted by an Iron Dome while the USSR and Likud officials attended an active meeting in Ashkelon. This, three months after Netanyahu was taken off the stage in Ashdod following a dispatch from the Gaza Strip ...

At a conference in Ashkelon with Netanyahu's participation: a rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip and intercepted

Launch detected and intercepted by an Iron Dome while the USSR and Likud officials attended an active meeting in Ashkelon. This, three months after Netanyahu was taken off the stage in Ashdod following a dispatch from the Gaza Strip. Alarms were also heard in the Gaza Strip, Beer Tuvia and Lachish. PM: "He shot then not with us, who shot now - to be packed"

At a conference in Ashkelon with Netanyahu's participation: a rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip and intercepted


A rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip - all details

  • IDF: Launch from Gaza and intercepted by Iron Dome
  • Alarms were heard in Ashkelon and the Gaza Strip; No known casualties
  • At the time of the alarm: Netanyahu and Likud officials attended the conference in Ashkelon
  • PM: "Whoever shot before was not with us, who shot now - to be packed"

A rocket was launched Wednesday evening from the Gaza Strip and intercepted by an iron dome system. Alarms were heard in the Gaza Strip, Lachish, Beer Tuvia and Ashkelon, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood for a speech at an active Likud conference. The event was also attended by the wife of the Prime Minister and senior members of the party, including Ministers Miri Regev, Gilo Gamliel, Ophir Akunis and Amir Ohana and MKs Mickey Zohar and David Bitten. No damage or injuries are known. The Palestinian media reports that the IDF attacked Hamas' response in the northern Gaza Strip.

At the alarm, Netanyahu vacated a sheltered space, and after a few minutes returned to the stage. "Hamas and Jihad don't want me to win," he said. PM Olmert referred to Baha'u Abu Al-Ata, a senior Hamas leader who was killed in the "black belt" operation, adding that "he fired last time not with us. Whoever shot now would pack the belongings."

This is the second time alarms are heard at a prime minister's conference in the south of the country. Last September, the Iron Dome system intercepted two launches from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. While the alarms sounded, Netanyahu was about to open his speech at the Likud conference in Ashdod. He called out to his activists: "We have a red color warning, come out quietly, leave," and shortly thereafter returned to the speech.

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Alarm at the beginning of his speech. Netanyahu in Ashkelon, tonight

PM Benjamin Netanyahu at Ashkelon Support Conference (Photo: Official Website)

On the eve of the Likud-led primaries, Netanyahu and party leaders participated in several active conferences in southern Israel. Earlier, hundreds of supporters came to a meeting at MK Shlomo Kari's house in a session of the Sderot Negev regional council. Netanyahu declared that "tomorrow will be a big victory."

"I intend to apply Israel's sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and all the communities in Judea and Samaria, and also to gain recognition by the United States for that sovereignty." The Prime Minister added. "We have big tests. The Iranians will not achieve anything as long as I am prime minister. No one will defend the Jews if we do not defend ourselves."

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"Poor Certificate for Security Policy"

Blue and White Chairman Benny Gantz condemned the shooting to the south. Gantz said: "The situation in which Israeli citizens are at the mercy of terrorists and the Israeli prime minister cannot patrol part of his country is a certificate of poverty for the southern security policy and a loss of deterrence that no sovereign state can receive."

Israeli House Speaker Avigdor Lieberman said in response that this is the second time this year that terrorist operatives in the Gaza Strip are humiliating the State of Israel and the Prime Minister once again, in the midst of an election conference, taking the stage and fleeing to a protected space. "This time and last time Netanyahu continued to preach and promote the series against Hamas "But the sad truth is, that was neither the series nor the series," said Lieberman. "He said that" Netanyahu, who in 2009 promised that when he was elected, would collapse Hamas rule, in the meantime collapse Israeli deterrence. "

Rocket intercepted by Iron Dome (Photo: Reuters)

Rocket launches from Gaza to Israeli territory, March 25, 2019 (Photo: Reuters)

MK Gideon Sa'ar (Likud) tweeted that a broad national consensus must be built for action to dismantle Hamas's military infrastructure and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. "It is our duty to our citizens in the south. And beautiful one hour before, "MK Sa'ar tweeted on Twitter.

Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Chairman Gabi Ashkenazi (blue and white) said in response to the shooting that the warning was deleted. "It is impossible to continue with the agenda when the southern residents have no agenda," Ashkenazi said. "How can one remain indifferent to the fact that Israeli citizens become the target only because they were nearby? Where did the Prime Minister visit? ".

The work-bridge said in response to the shooting that "once again Amir Peretz's Iron Dome was rescued for Netanyahu's help. The truth must be said. Without an Iron Dome guarding the Israeli home front, Netanyahu was no longer prime minister."

(First Update: 9:02 PM)