The Limited Times

Prince William kisses his youngest son in an adorable family Christmas photo

12/25/2019, 3:50:10 PM

The black and white image shows Prince William in a flat cap, holding his youngest son, Prince Louis 1 year. Looking at the camera are his other two children, Princess Car ...

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(CNN) - The Dukes of Cambridge have published an adorable family image for Christmas.

The black and white photograph shows Prince William wearing a cap, holding his youngest son, Prince Luis, 1 year old, and kissing him on the cheek.

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The royalty published the photograph, taken by Catalina in Norfolk earlier this year, on her official Twitter account this Wednesday with the message: "Merry Christmas to all our followers!"

It also shows a smiling Prince Jorge, 6, sitting next to his father and brother, while his sister, Princess Carlota, 4, is behind.

The two eldest sons of the Dukes of Cambridge attended the annual service of the royal church in Sandringham for the first time.

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This is not the first time that Catalina shares her own family photographs with the world.

Earlier, Kensington Palace has revealed several photographs taken by the duchess to mark key milestones in children's lives, such as birthdays and the first days at school.

Earlier this week, Guillermo's brother, Prince Henry, published his first family Christmas card with his wife Meghan and their baby Archie. The adorable 8-month-old boy appeared on the card in front and center, looking at the camera.

Dukes of Cambridge Prince William British Kingdom