The Limited Times

Sheee - revealing cheating men who are looking for sex - and revealing to their wives

12/25/2019, 10:23:05 PM

The 34-year-old single mother is fed up with cheating men and she has decided that they should pay and so she uses Tinder to expose them to their spouses: "Women need to care about each other.

The Avenger: Reveals cheating men who are looking for sex in apps - and reveals to their wives

The 34-year-old single mother is fed up with cheating men and she decides they have to pay and so she uses Tinder to expose them to their spouses: "Women need to worry about each other. I don't want to go through what I went through."

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Men cheating on Tinder - you better start to be careful. Erin Colin, a computer engineer and 34-year-old single mother from Washington, began a one-woman crusade to uncover as many traitorous men as possible - by locating their women and girlfriends and exposing their spouse's actions. Colin says she herself has been betrayed a number of times over the years, including by her ex-husband, and is now determined not to let other women fall into the fascination of these treacherous men.

It all started when she took Tinder down to get back into the dating scene and was shocked to find out how many men admit to being married or "looking for something discreet", or claiming to be in an open relationship without their couple being aware of it. She began to use her investigative skills, and her career as an information mining expert to locate these men's particularities - and expose them to their abusers.

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So far, she has managed to expose five men and claims that although the women she addressed were sad, she thanked her in the end. After searching for one of her husband's actions, she wrote to her: "I wish there were more women like you in the world. I nurse and work 80 hours this week so we can together in the family go to Disneyland. It's ironic that while working for the most magical place in the world, he is looking for sex on Tinder. That such a thing happens to me at home. "

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Erin made it clear in interviews she gave the local media that her mission was to expose as many traitors as possible. "I can't stand traitors," she says, "I've never been betrayed in the past. It's so frustrating to find out that they've been doing it under your nose for years, and no one ever told me anything about it. When I see a profile that says it's married." Or "looking for something discreet", I immediately flip right so I can reveal this guy. I do this to protect women, I don't want women to go through what I've been through. Women need to take care of each other, even those we don't know, so that the traitors know that if they do, their partnering will. We are in 2019, and the traitors cannot hide. "

Last weekend, Erin revealed two other traitors, after talking to them for months on Facebook and Snapchat. During one of the chats, Erin received photos and nude videos, which made her fear that the guy was secretly filming his partner. He sent her shirtless pictures to her, and suggested she make porn videos with him after work. After Erin revealed him to his girlfriend, the two women began to think about how to reveal more of his actions. "This guy has been corresponding with me for a year, and he flirts with me sometimes. I noticed on Facebook that he had a girlfriend, and when I asked him about it he lied and said they broke up and he can't change it because he's on a 30 day suspension. I knew it was a lie - because he sent me Facebook messages, and if you send messages you can't be suspended. I sent a message to his girlfriend and showed her everything. She initially defended him and said I was trying to ruin his life and that it was wrong. I immediately recognized the excuses of the men in talking to the women. "

"One ex told me he became unfaithful because he was lonely. I was uncomfortable with that, but he was unfaithful to me long before we had relationship problems. These men are manipulators. They expect their spouses to be loyal, but want Go crazy whenever they want, "Erin said.

After a successful career in data mining and data, Erin claims she can find the traitor's family in less than an hour, even if he only uses his first name on his profile. In one case, she talked to a man for a month. On his profile, he wrote: "Married but lonely. We both work at night. I'm looking for someone discreet to share my nights with her. See movies, share intimacy and more. I can send photos on demand." At one point he offered her to come home to have sex while his kids were asleep, "I told him it would be weird because there are kids there, so he said you don't have to worry about them sleeping tight. Like, this guy was ready to have sex with a strange woman who came home His while his kids are asleep. " Within 60 minutes of the moment he offered her this offer, she found the web and told everything to his mother and wife that "she couldn't stop thanking me."

Erin hopes her actions will teach men that if they are traitors they cannot be calm: "I have already exposed five men, so be warned."