The Limited Times

The recovery of the exhibition industry reflects the strength and recovery of the Syrian economy

12/25/2019, 1:08:10 PM

Damascus-Sana The industry of exhibitions and conferences is witnessing an increasing movement, as conviction is established in its role in moving the wheel


The exhibitions and conferences industry sector is witnessing an increasing movement with the conviction firmly in its role in moving the wheel of the economy and the development of the national industry and attracting investors. According to the figures of the General Organization for Exhibitions and International Markets, the number of exhibitions registered on the institution's schedule increased from 18 exhibitions in 2015 to 48 exhibitions during the current year and final approvals for a similar number Almost next year.

General Director of the General Organization for Exhibitions and International Markets Ghassan Al-Fakiani stated in a statement to the SANA Economic Bulletin that the exhibition industry has regained its regular activity in Syria as a supporter of the national economy and a catalyst for local production and showed the world the strength of the Syrian economy and the start of its recovery.

Al-Fakiani pointed out that the specialized exhibitions that were held on the grounds of the exhibition city in the recent period received great governmental attention and support, indicating the importance of increasing the number of exhibitions held in promoting local products and marketing them internally and externally and providing competitive opportunities for industrialists, traders and investors.

Dr. Ibrahim Maidah, Director General of the Local Production and Export Support Authority, indicated in a similar statement to giving great attention to the process of promoting products and participating in internal and external exhibitions by organizing Syrian participations in external and internal exhibitions and providing support in specific proportions and according to the specificity and nature of each exhibition in cooperation with the Foundation for Exhibitions and Markets International and trade unions, industry, agriculture and craftsmen indicating the provision of more than 556 million pounds as support for the exhibitions since 2016 until the end of 2019.

For their part, a number of organizers of exhibitions and conferences stressed the importance of restoring the promotional activity through specialized and public exhibitions and conferences, where Khalaf Mashhadani, director of a group of exhibitions and conferences, noted the government's endeavor to strengthen and improve the regulatory and legislative environment for business and investment and commercial activities through the adoption of decisions and regulations in support of that and provide the necessary facilities for expatriates and visitors from outside Syria to participate in internal exhibitions, pointing to the role of this important sector in promoting economic activity and supporting the penetration of exports and products abroad through the deals provided by the meetings between the agents and the direction Exhibitions in addition to its role in the operation of a large number of workers and professionals.

In turn, Tamer Yaghi, director of an institution specialized in exhibitions, saw in a similar statement that the exhibition industry in Syria witnessed a remarkable development after it exceeded competition at the local and regional levels to reach competition with international exhibitions and its effects on the economic, tourism, cultural and social sectors were reflected through the catalytic role in product development and knowledge exchange New products, services, technologies, investment and professional development.

For his part, between Anas Zabian, director of a company for exhibitions and conferences, that exhibitions in Syria enjoyed a great reputation before the war, as some of them were ranked among the most important exhibitions in the Middle East, indicating their return to recovery gradually, so the last exhibition contributed to marketing products and services and opening new markets for the national product abroad.

Bushra Barhoum
SANA Economic Bulletin

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