The Limited Times

Commercial activities in the endosperm join the initiative of the Ministry of Awqaf

12/26/2019, 3:02:22 PM

As-Suwayda-Sana in response to the Ministry of Endowments initiative


In response to the initiative of the Ministry of Endowments, “Religion is morality ... Zakat is to reduce your prices.” A number of business events owners in Sweida Governorate announced the announcement of price cuts in their stores and the sale of some materials at a price close to the cost to mitigate the effects of the blockade and unjust economic coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people.

During a tour of the correspondent of SANA on commercial stores that joined the initiative, the merchant Shafiq Gharz al-Din indicated that he worked on selling basic materials that affect the livelihood of citizens, such as sugar, oil, obesity, rice, and others at cost, pointing out that participation in the initiative reflects the feeling of citizens ’concerns and their mitigation.

While Tariq Nasr, the owner of a commercial store in Al-Dabisi neighborhood, pointed out that he joined the initiative and sells most basic and food items at a price close to the cost, and some are less than the cost, such as sugar for a limited period.

In the Khazanat neighborhood, Khaled Al-Masry, the owner of a commercial store, indicated that he joined the initiative, as a food basket was prepared from most of the basic materials at cost, such as sugar, rice, bulgur, oil, pasta, vermicelli, beans, lentils, and the rest of the items with a simple profit margin of less than five percent.

His Eminence, Sheikh Aql of the Unified Muslim Community, Youssef Jarbou, confirmed in a statement to SANA correspondent, the sheikhdom of reason supported the initiative of the Ministry of Endowments, Cooperation and Action to circulate it and urged merchants and others to join it to relieve their families and brothers in light of the exceptional difficult circumstances that the country and the citizen go through.

For his part, the director of the Endowments Endowment Office, Sheikh Najdu Al-Ali, indicated in a similar statement that the Endowment and Cooperation initiative by the sheikhdom of the mind of the Muslim community of Muslims represents an appeal for the various commercial, economic, professional and union activities for the initiative to reduce prices.

A number of citizens pointed out the importance of activating and generalizing the initiative in a wide range of shops and others and reducing the prices of materials to alleviate the citizens in light of the difficult living conditions.

Diyar Nasr

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