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The storm did not stop Likud officials around the country either: "The party woke up" - Walla! news

12/26/2019, 4:50:05 PM

The ongoing rain has hampered the record breakdown between Netanyahu and the storm, but both camps welcome the primaries, claiming that "the elections did well for the movement." PM's supporters are confident ...

Likewise, the storm did not stop Likud officials around the country: "The party awoke"

The ongoing rain has hampered the record breakdown between Netanyahu and the storm, but both camps welcome the primaries, claiming that "the elections did well for the movement." PM's supporters are confident in his victory and make it clear: "At midnight the tension will end." On the other hand, Sa'ar people say: "Behind the curtain will feel comfortable voting"

Likewise, the storm did not stop Likud officials around the country: "The party awoke"

Photo stills: Reuben Castro; Photo by Shlomi Gabay and NEWSNDERS; Editing: Shaul Adam

Rainfall is falling north from the night (Thursday) and it is clear that at the end of the day, someone will want to lose his loss by leaving the winters at home with the voters who were supposed to give them their votes. It's a day of precipitation highs, not record highs.

In Pardes Hana, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and former MK Nava Booker were among the first to vote this morning: "It is clear to Netanyahu, the man and the legend," she says. "And not going back to politics, it will be obvious too!"

More about the Likud primaries in Walla! NEWS:

Likud primaries: Netanyahu voted in ballot in his residence; At the Sa'ar headquarters, the Likud's primaries are disrupted: Netanyahu wants "big victory"; An optimistic storm in winter, too: the swimming method that makes a crazy change in life promoted content

Stormy primaries. Netanyahu supporters in Be'er Sheva this morning (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Netanyahu supporters in Likud primaries, Beer Sheva, December 26, 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

"This is democracy at its best. Where is Yair Lapid and why he does not make elections in his party"

The Arab village of Paradis is the Likud stronghold in the northern sector from the days of the late Yunus Abu Kamal from the late Re'i, which he recruited to the Likud ranks Israel Katz. His son, continuing through it, current councilor Ayman Mer'i, keeps the cards close to his chest and does not reveal who he will vote for in the meantime. He estimates that a few dozen will come to give their voice and make an impact. In the village, no polling stations were placed and Ma'ari says that the officials will vote in Haifa and neighboring Zichron Yaacov.

In Zichron Yaacov, 361 are listed as voters with voting rights, the movement is awake and Likud members are flowing. "I put Sarah and Bibi in the same envelope as they should," jokes Shimon Ivgi, and later says that "I put Saar and Bibi." But he seriously explains that Bibi is clear, "He is already in the business of giving him four years. He deserves this country."

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The Camps, Supporters - and the Rain: The Complete Guide to Likud Primaries

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"In the situation created, a chance should be given to the storm." Mayor Gendlman in Hadera, today (Photo: Shlomi Gabay)

Hadera Mayor Zvika Gendelman, color reporter in Likud primaries, December 26, 2019 (Photo: Shlomi Gabay)

"If there is no Bibi, I will not vote at all," says another. "We need Netanyahu now. Memory functionaries are Likudniks. Now it's Bibi. So Bibi votes." Everyone is trying to emphasize that support for the prime minister is sweeping. "One comes from a hope that is registered with us, just for the sake of voting Bibi," says Meir Vanunu, deputy head of local council Zichron Yaacov and chairman of the Likud branch in the community who took a day off for the primaries.

Although not one brave man in the colony declares his support for MK Gideon Sa'ar, Haim Ben Dosa insists that "this is democracy at its best" and makes it difficult, "where Yair Lapid and why he does not make elections in his party." Ben Dosa explains the sweeping support of the prime minister: "Bibi is a winning horse and so the entire left wants to knock it down."

"Democracy at its Best." Foreign Minister Israel Katz and the Likud faction in Haifa Samson Ido in the polls, today

Foreign Minister Israel Katz and Haifa Likud faction chairman Samson Ido in the polls, Likud primaries December 26, 2019 (Photo: official website)

In Yarqa, 1,119 are functioning, but with the functioning of the villages there are more than 1,700 voters in the local polling stations. Former MK Patin Mula was one of the first to vote this morning, saying he voted for Netanyahu that "he is the great leader of the people of Israel and must vote for him to bring more and more achievements to the State of Israel." There was a lot of enthusiasm in the village towards the primaries, And some activists even went out to help search.

Her room has an active headquarters storm that works today and Mayor Zvika Gendelman is the spirit that lives there. "Netanyahu has many rights reserved. He has made a great contribution to the State of Israel, but the situation created should give him a chance to storm," says Gendelman. "I am with the Likud and it is a holiday for the party and 116,000 of its members. In the end, it represents the will of the voters and the will of the public and of society in Israel."

Last hours coax voters. Likud primaries in Be'er Sheva today (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Likud primaries, Beer Sheva, December 26, 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

In Haifa, at Sami Ofer Stadium, not far from the ballot box, in two separate tents, Netanyahu's campaigners are making a last effort to lobby voters. At a conference held by Netanyahu's Likud faction in Haifa City Council, Samson Ido, Minister Katz promised that his primaries would be held in Haifa. He promised and held the day in the tent fluttering in the wind, making a suit, shaking hands and convincing the persuaded to vote for Netanyahu. "Haifa," Katz says. "The atmosphere of elections is getting over the cold, and I hope that there will be a great victory for Netanyahu in Haifa as well."

Throughout the day it is difficult to find pointers to the storm that will speak to the camera. The Sa'ar tent in Haifa is run by Likud Center member Ze'ev Sonnenzon, who also organized the candidate's conference in the city. "People have an interest. They work in Bibi's offices," says member Egged Shalom Yaron, one of Saar's activists. "Bibi could have formed a government twice and was unsuccessful, so now Gideon is available."

"The man and the legend". Netanyahu supporters at polls in Ofakim today (Photo: Yaniv Zohar)

Likud Likud Primaries - Color Correspondent, December 26, 2019 (Photo: Yaniv Zohar, Walla System! NEWS)

Nava Booker is voting in the primaries, today

Nava Booker points out Likud primaries - December 26, 2019 (Photo: official website)

Despite the rain and wind during the long walk from the stadium parking lot to the ballot box, voters are flowing to the venue on an ongoing basis, and some even come with the children during the Chanukah vacation afterwards to tour the stadium and dine in the surrounding restaurants. Voter's Day. Amir Kaufman from Haifa arrived until the polls sat down for lunch and says he is still debating: "On the one hand, on the other hand, there is someone who holds the reins well and does not want to lose it."

And in the meantime in the south

"Storm should not pass 20%. Every important vote in primaries, the stronger Bibi is today, the better he can win the general election."

Shimon Booker, Deputy Mayor of Be'er Sheva and chairman of the Likud branch in the city, does not stop calling the functionaries. "Only Netanyahu," he asks. In the Negev capital, are confident of Netanyahu's victory, but aspire to a crushing defeat: "Every voice is important in the primaries," the more powerful Bibi is today, the more he can win the general election.

Proponents of the PM say that the battle for the party's leader has fueled the area and brought the Likud back to life. At the same time, they make it clear that "today at midnight Gideon returns to be one of the Likud officials, no tension. Gideon is the meat of our flesh, he made a mistake."

"Gideon is the meat of our flesh. He made a mistake." Shimon Boker (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Color reporter for Likud-South primaries, Shimon Morning December 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

At Saar headquarters on the other side of the ballot box they are building behind the "everyone is free" curtain, as Prime Minister and former Likud chairman Menachem Begin said. Activists are passing voters on the lists and trying to convince voters to support the Knesset. Ortal Perlman Shmueli, advocate for Saar "People will feel comfortable when no one sees and vote," she says.

"We love them all, we are all together and the ideas are the same because we belong to the national camp," explains Pearlman Shmueli. "Home elections are healthy. We can only take pride in this day."

"People will feel comfortable when nobody sees and vote for a storm." Ortal Perlman Shmueli supporting the storm, today (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Color reporter for Likud-South primaries, Ortal Perlman Shmueli December 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Yoav LeBeod, a member of the Likud Center, also emphasizes that the democratic celebration has done only good for the party and claims that it will help the party increase its power in the Knesset elections. He said, "The Likud will receive two more seats only because of the democracy that was here. Today at midnight everyone is back together."

A few miles west, on the horizon, the fight is close. On the one hand, former mayors Yair Hazan and Avi Asraf support Netanyahu and against incumbent mayor Itzik Danino, who supports the storm. Asraf announces that the prime minister will undoubtedly win. He said, "Every election is a struggle. The mayor here goes with a storm, but on the horizon people love Bibi."

"Every election is a struggle." Likud primaries in Be'er Sheva today (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Likud primaries, Beer Sheva, December 26, 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

"The elections did well for the movement. Likud members love their personal connection with them, the area has woken up

"I don't see a script that Storm will win," Hazan explained. "There will be a battle on the horizon. The mayor's power cannot be underestimated, but Netanyahu has the advantage here." At the same time, he applauds the primaries: "The elections did well for the movement. Likud members love their personal connection with them, the territory has woken up."

Maor Zabari, the mayor's aide, also says the battle in the city will be tight, but claims that Sa'ar is the one to win. He said that if there was no support from the incumbent mayor at Netanyahu's storm, he would have won big. "People on the horizon love Netanyahu, but we are going with Mayor Danino's decision to vote for Gideon Sa'ar."

Likud primaries in Be'er Sheva today (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Likud primaries, Beer Sheva, December 26, 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

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