The Limited Times

Coma child, no brain activity

12/27/2019, 4:35:06 PM

The five-month-old baby who has been in a coma since last Saturday, hospitalized in intensive care in the Pediatrics of the Padua hospital, no longer has any brain activity, after being shaken violently by his mother while being rocked. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PADUA, DECEMBER 27 - The five-month-old baby who has been in a coma since last Saturday, hospitalized in intensive care in the pediatric hospital of Padua, no longer has any cerebral activity, after being violently shaken by his mother while being cradled. It is learned from hospital fonts. The commission called to evaluate his brain death should speak on the case within a few hours.
If he determines that the baby is clinically dead, the machines that are keeping him alive will be disconnected.

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