The Limited Times

Confindustria-Srm, Sud brakes after 4 years

12/27/2019, 11:59:11 AM

After 4 years of growth, the economy of the South returns to slow down and the South risks a new recessionary spiral. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 27 - After 4 years of growth, the economy of the South returns to slow down and the South risks a new recessional spiral. This is what emerges, in summary, from the Report Check Up Mezzogiorno 2019 created by the Area Politicheregionali and for the Territorial Cohesion of Confindustria and by SMR, Studies and Research for the Mezzogiorno. The Southern Economy Synthetic Index thus falls again, reaching 30 points below the pre-crisis levels. The trend of GDP weighs more heavily with a more intense weakening in the South: forecasts indicate a mini-recession (-0.2% according to Svimez). The climate of business confidence also deteriorated and signs of a slowdown for investments which stood at -32.3% from the peak of 2008; the trend of the South tax credit was positive, but it only contributed to limiting losses. Deceleration also on the employment side.