The Limited Times

Morocco: famous Youtuber jailed

12/27/2019, 12:32:28 PM

A well-known Moroccan Youtuber, Mohamed Sekkaki, was sentenced to four years in prison and a $ 4,000 fine for criticizing Moroccan king Mohammed VI and calling the Moroccans "donkeys". The BBC reports it. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 27 - A well-known Moroccan Youtuber, MohamedSekkaki, was sentenced to four years in prison and a $ 4,000 fine for criticizing the Moroccan king Mohammed VI and calling the Moroccans "donkeys". The BBC reports it. Sekkaki, whose videos are watched by over 200,000 people every day, has announced that he will appeal.
Journalist and human rights activist Omar Radi also arrested, accused of insulting a judge on Twitter last April.

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