The Limited Times

Netanyahu: 'We defeated the media'

12/27/2019, 9:53:23 AM

"A huge victory": this is how Premier Benyamin Netanyahu greeted his Likud supporters today following his clear success in the party primaries. (HANDLE)

(ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, DECEMBER 27 - "A huge victory": thus the premier Benyamin Netanyahu greeted his supporters of Likud today following his clear success in the primary of the party. "Yesterday we were right not only of the bad weather but also of those who already spread 'Fake news' against us today.
Those were unsuccessful, even though almost all means of communication had mobilized against me. "
Netanyahu, with a hoarse voice for the numerous rallies held in the last few days, then expressed recognition towards how much they confirmed their trust. "I give my soul for the country. I fought for you and you fought for me. Thank you."

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