The Limited Times

Serial stalker, conviction and social daspo

12/27/2019, 7:26:06 PM

In jail pending third trial 28 year old, internet use prohibited (ANSA)

With internet messages he vented "his verbal violence in an irrepressible way" on girls, a little younger than he, online and then persecuted and threatened them in a heavy way. And it has been going on for at least nine years, so much so that three stalking investigations have been opened against a 28 year old: one for which he served a definitive sentence of 4 years, another for which he was a year ago arrested and awaiting trial, and yet another for which ten days ago he was sentenced at first instance and with a shortened ritual to 2 years and 8 months of imprisonment with the recognition of semi-mental illness. In addition, the Court's preventive measures section has banned him for three years from communicating "on the network through social networks", via WhatsApp and so on.

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