The Limited Times

The 6 most frequently asked questions you have asked our doctor in the last decade - Walla! health

12/27/2019, 6:23:17 AM

A decade recap is time to do an account, and we did our account and that's what we found: We had a lot of blood in the stool, a little less (but quite a few) questions about beards, yellowing nails and a question ...

The 6 most frequently asked questions you have asked our doctor in the last decade

A decade recap is time to do an account, and we did our account and that's what we found: We had a lot of blood in the stool, a little less (but quite a few) questions about beards, yellowing nails and one mold question. We may have missed something, but maybe better

The 6 most frequently asked questions you have asked our doctor in the last decade

Photo Credit: Reuters, Content Editing: Sigal Sirius, Production: Royit Cohen Tsafriri, Video Editing: Noa Levy, Graphic Design: Avichai Baruch

In the video: a decade-long summary in the world

The health care system is in collapse, with 26 consecutive hours of specialization, patients hospitalized in the corridors and low salaries. If you, too, feel sorry for the doctors in Israel, just think about our in-house physician Dr. Idan Goren, a specialist in internal medicine and gastroenterology at Beilinson Hospital, who also receives questions from our beloved readers.

Don't understand, we love when you ask and share (less when you send us details about blood in the stool), and our doctor is always happy to help. In honor of the end of the coming decade, we have collected the six least standard questions we have received. Here they are:

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