The Limited Times

Augsburg: Released suspects are arrested again

12/27/2019, 10:26:11 PM

They spent the holidays in freedom, now six suspects in the case of the firefighter killed in Augsburg have to face the judge again. At least one has already been arrested again.

Shortly before Christmas, six of the seven suspects were released in Augsburg in the event of a fatal attack on a 49-year-old man. Now they have to face the judge again. The decision of the competent regional court on the release of six suspects has been overturned, according to the police.

A spokesman for the police in Augsburg said that the higher regional court in Munich had made this decision. At first, he did not give any further details. Several media had previously reported on it, including Bayerischer Rundfunk. The OLG was initially unavailable for comment.

The defender of one of the six suspects told the German Press Agency on Friday evening that his client had been arrested again on Friday. He will probably be brought before a judge on Saturday, the lawyer said.

Jugendkammer saw no urgent suspicion

The six suspects were involved in a dispute with the 49-year-old on St. Nicholas' Day in Augsburg's Königsplatz, during which a seventh of the group is said to have killed the victim with a single blow. The 17-year-old remains in custody for manslaughter. The case had caused a sensation nationwide, also because the victim had worked for the professional fire brigade and around 150 colleagues had mourned the dead on Königsplatz.

The six suspects were remanded a few days after the crime on December 6 for aiding in homicide and were released before Christmas. The Youth Chamber saw no urgent suspicion of crime for them, the Augsburg regional court had announced on Monday. The defenders of the six adolescents and young adults had previously lodged an appeal.