The Limited Times

Honest finder of around 16,000 euros: "I would do this again and again"

12/27/2019, 12:56:51 PM

Stefan Wefers found a backpack with more than 16,000 euros, took it to the police - and waived the finder's reward. Now the 51-year-old is particularly surprised at the reactions.

What to do if you find 16,000 euros? For Stefan Wefers from Krefeld there was obviously no question: he gave the money back - and even waived the finder's fee. Now the 51-year-old gets a lot of recognition - and is surprised by it: "Above all, I am surprised that I get praise from all sides for handing over the money. That goes without saying," said the master electrician: " I would do that again and again. "

On Christmas Eve, Stefan Wefers discovered a backpack with the large amount of cash while going for a walk and reported it to the police. The officials also expressed multiple respect and recognition that Wefers had reported the find and had not kept the total of 16,225 euros.

For Wefers, however, this would obviously have been unthinkable: "Whoever lost it would have been in great need because of this," he said. He had heard that the owner of the backpack worked as an employee in a shop. "Maybe the bills were the daily income he should deposit. If that were true and the money was gone, he would have gotten a lot of trouble."

The police gave no further information to the man who had lost the money. "It was not the classic that many think of in such a case, according to the motto: men want to give their children money for Christmas and lose it on the way to the family celebration - at least it didn't happen that way," said a spokeswoman. Stefan Wefers waived a finder's fee - according to the law 500 euros: The man who had lost the money was "unlucky enough".